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Tag "minimum wage"

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San Francisco’s $15 minimum wage goes into effect for all businesses

San Francisco this week enacted its $15 minimum wage, making it the first major U.S. city to mandate a $15 wage floor for all businesses. It’s the last phase of Proposition 14, which voters passed in 2014 and raised the

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CalWatchdog Morning Read – January 12

Minimum wage savings for the state mean multi-million dollar burden for counties Foreclosures shrink to 11-year low Brown withholds school bond funds without oversight plan in place Planned Parenthood worried about Washington 42 percent of state out of drought Good

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State finds savings in minimum wage increase, but counties get the bill

The good news: Last year’s deal to increase the minimum wage won’t cost the state nearly as much as was projected.  The bad news: Providing certain health care services just became way more expensive for the counties.  The Brown administration is ending

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California sales tax dips, but tax burden rises

  “Four years ago, voters approved Proposition 30, which raised the income tax significantly on the wealthiest Californians and raised the sales tax a tiny bit on everyone,” Capital Public Radio recently recalled. “That quarter-of-a-cent increase equated to paying an additional $0.01 on

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Added workplace regulation for the new year

  A new round of targeted workplace regulations passed over the course of 2016 will take effect in the coming year, with some slated to come into law the minute the clock strikes 2017.  Wage rules First, Golden State businesses

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Raft of new state laws are going – or have gone – into effect

SACRAMENTO – California Gov. Jerry Brown signed 898 bills into law last year. Most start on Jan. 1, but others going into effect in coming years. The majority of new laws deal with minutiae that’s unlikely to affect most residents, but a number

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CalWatchdog Morning Read – April 21, 2016

Economic outlook grim, reality not as bad. Plus minimum wage, pensions and taxes. Good morning. A new report on the economic forecasts and past performances of the states casts a grim view of California’s outlook, but shows past performance has

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CA wage hike shock waves begin

  Confronted with an impending hike to $15 in the California minimum wage, businesses, labor advocates and political analysts have all begun to shift strategies and tactics. Given current trends, the combined impact could be a smaller, more unionized workforce — that

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Minimum-wage law’s opt-out provision unlikely to be used by governor

A California governor is asked to sign historic, far-reaching legislation that could have unknown consequences — and tells the Legislature he will only go along if there is an escape clause that can be used if the law causes economic

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Lawmakers OK state-wide $15 minimum wage

The Legislature passed it, the governor said he’ll sign it, and so a $15-per-hour minimum wage is all but a done deal. The measure, which raises the wage from $10 per hour incrementally until 2022 and 2023 (depending on the

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