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Tag "Pension Reform"

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Is the Budget Kabuki Dance Ending?

MARCH 31, 2011 By KATY GRIMES The budget dance between the Republican legislators and Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown appears to have ended. The auditorium lights have been turned back on, the band is packing up but everyone is still awkwardly

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Adachi Pushes New S.F. Pension Reform

MARCH 28, 2011 By DAVE ROBERTS Jeff Adachi, San Francisco’s elected public defender, is a modern-day Don Quixote tilting at unionized windmills while singing “To Dream the Impossible Pension Reform Dream.” The self-described progressive dared to take on that city’s

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A Refresher Course In Leadership

Katy Grimes: It’s painful watching as California Republicans allow the state’s Democratic party to dictate all of the terms in the ongoing budget debate – even on potential reforms. And, many Republicans have allowed Democrats to define the party ideology.

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Alleged CalPERS Corruption

John Seiler: How much more of this are Californians going to take? Will another tax increase be needed? The L.A. Times reports: In a scathing report, a former chief executive of the California public employee pension fund was accused of

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'Last Call' For Republicans

MARCH 7 Throughout history, strong political leaders have had the ability to discipline wayward party members. But currently, California Republicans aren’t exactly in a strong enough position to offer up the usual disciplinary threats: removal from cushy or prestigious committee

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Economist on Government Unions

John Seiler: Economist Thomas DiLorenzo, who recently testified in Congress before Ron Paul’s subcommittee on monetary policy, has a great new article on public-employee unions. He writes: The main reason why so many state and local governments are bankrupt, or

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CA Budget Still Needs Fumigation

Feb. 22, 2011 By JOHN SEILER As Gov. Jerry Brown and the state Legislature continue crafting a budget, skunks keep being thrown into the room. The biggest skunk is that the $146 billion California State Teachers’ Retirement System, CalSTRS, is effectively

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Tilting at pension reform

Jan. 22, 2010 By ANTHONY PIGNATARO What to do about public employee pensions is the thorniest, nastiest, most difficult question facing Sacramento lawmakers today. Few issues cause such disappointment and despair. Yet one group of activists and accountants is plugging

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