Tag "Steven Greenhut"

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10 predictions for California 2013

Dec. 30, 2012 By Steven Greenhut SACRAMENTO — California’ Democratic leaders are giddy about the future now that they have gained everything they wanted in the last election — voter-approved tax increases and a two-thirds supermajority in both houses of the Legislature,

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State turns bureaucrats into millionaires

Dec. 26, 2012 By Steven Greenhut California’s political leaders continue to defend a public-employee-compensation system that is so far beyond sanity it’s hard to know where to begin. Here is a Bloomberg story about a cop — a California Highway

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Sure, the GOP must change, but …

Dec. 26, 2012 By Steven Greenhut Without fail, whenever Republicans lose elections, liberal commentators eagerly chime in with advice designed to “help” the GOP become more relevant and competitive. The advice is so common and predictable that it leaves me

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CA lawmakers take aim at guns

Dec. 24, 2012 By Steven Greenhut SACRAMENTO – It took only days before California’s legislators reacted to the horrific Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy with a fusillade of bills designed to take California closer to Democratic leaders’ unstated but obvious

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Free market’s lessons go untaught

Dec. 9, 2012 By Steven Greenhut SACRAMENTO — Advocates for bigger government — which is just about everyone these days, it seems — believe that government is the most efficient and humane provider of goods and services. It’s such a

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Fighting crime & overspending

Dec. 2, 2012 By Steven Greenhut SACRAMENTO — For advocates of less-intrusive government, finding the good news in the recent election is like looking on the bright side after your house has been wiped out by a hurricane: You never

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Secession fever: Don’t catch it

Nov. 19, 2012 By Steven Greenhut SACRAMENTO — Psychiatrists talk about the progressive stages of grief people experience after suffering a devastating loss in their personal lives, moving from denial to anger to bargaining (i.e., trying to strike a “deal”

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Californians give Dems PIN numbers

Nov. 16, 2012 By Steven Greenhut SACRAMENTO — After the election results came in, I started searching for two things: a stiff drink and a good out-of-state real estate agent. The national election sends troubling signs about the direction of

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Election pits civic duty against cynicism

Nov. 4, 2012 By Steven Greenhut SACRAMENTO –- It’s been years since I cared deeply about any election, yet I find myself back to old habits — tracking polls and dealing with conflicting feelings that emerge this time of year.

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Others feel wrath of police unions

Oct. 28, 2012 By Steven Greenhut FULLERTON — Many people were outraged this summer after a private investigator, with ties to a law firm that represents 120 police unions in California, made an apparently false police report that a Costa

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