Tag "Steven Greenhut"

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Water plan threatens taxpayers, environment

April 14, 2013 By Steven Greenhut In Dostoevsky’s “The Brothers Karamazov,” a priest recalls the words of a man who confessed: “The more I love mankind in general, the less I love people in particular.” We can all think of

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Has California been saved?

April 8, 2013 By Steven Greenhut SACRAMENTO — Ever since California’s voters approved the Prop. 30 sales- and income-tax increase on the November ballot, liberal commentators have been gloating about the resurgence of the Golden State after many years of

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Pensions at heart of bankruptcy

April 1, 2013 By Steven Greenhut SACRAMENTO — Few nonlocal people typically pay much attention to the goings-on in Stockton, a hard-pressed Gold Rush-era industrial city of about 300,000 that sits in the agriculturally rich San Joaquin Valley, at the

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Attack of the artificial crises

March 25, 2013 By Steven Greenhut SACRAMENTO — Not many of my friends or neighbors are sitting on pins and needles, worrying that the world as we know it will end as the federal government “slashes” spending as part of the

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Drones a litmus test on trust in government

March 18, 2013 By Steven Greenhut SACRAMENTO -– Don’t you hate it when life starts to resemble one of those bleak, futuristic dystopian movies? I’m thinking of an almost unfathomable reality –- local and state governments are joining the feds

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One way TX is worse than CA

March 15, 2013 By John Seiler On CalWatchDog.com, we’ve often compared California unfavorably to Texas on taxes, regulations and general business climate. But fairness dictates we should show where California is better than Texas. One area is the abuse of

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CA wants oil taxes without oil

March 12, 2013 By John Seiler Steven Greenhut, whose column we run, has written an amusing article in Bloomberg about how Californians want oil tax money, but not the oil: “The only thing California’s environmentally friendly Democratic legislators prefer to regulating

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CA GOP needs ideas, not just money

March 11, 2013 By Steven Greenhut SACRAMENTO — Most of the activists, insiders and lobbyists I talked to during this month’s California Republican Party convention in Sacramento expressed optimism about their party despite blistering election losses and persistently falling voter

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Immigration debate over in CA

March 4, 2013 By Steven Greenhut SACRAMENTO — As the cliché goes, elections have consequences. And the Nov. 6 election results have had dramatic consequences in California. The debate over immigration — legal and otherwise, but, especially, otherwise — is

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Pelosi leads charge on minimum wage hike

Feb. 26, 2013 By Josephine Djuhana Raising the minimum wage helps the little guy — doesn’t it? President Obama’s State of the Union address earlier this month was more than a brightly optimistic speech on the current state of affairs

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