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Tag "tax increases"

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Bill could make it easier to increase transportation taxes

A bill that a taxpayer group is calling an attack on Proposition 13 and which the California Chamber of Commerce has dubbed a “job killer,” was approved by the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee last week. Assembly Constitutional Amendment 4

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Referendums on passed legislation gain steam

Referendums on legislative actions may be making a comeback in California. Earlier this week, opponents of Senate Bill 277, the mandatory vaccination measure, began their quest to refer that legislative action to the voters for the November 2016 election. Already

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Gov. Brown seeks ‘permanent’ funding for Medi-Cal, infrastructure

In announcing the budget deal with the Legislature, Governor Jerry Brown announced two special sessions to deal with transportation and Medi-Cal funding. Call them the “special tax sessions.” In the press release announcing the sessions, the governor stated that the sessions were to

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Did tax rise help CA, tax cuts hurt KS?

Editor’s note: See correction at the bottom. Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore. We’re in California, where the winter weather is in the 70s and the high taxes are imposed by the Great and Powerful Oz.

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How are Japan’s tax increases working?

Given the desire for even more tax increases for American and California, how are the recent  tax increases working in Japan? TOKYO (AP) — Japan’s economy shrank more sharply in the second quarter than first estimated and the latest indicators suggest

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David Cay Johnston replies to my tax blog

Due to some technical problems, David Cay Johnston’s reply to my blog, “Tax increases boost jobs?,” was delayed two days till this morning. So I’m calling special attention to it here. Check it out and add replies if you wish.

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Lawmakers lighting up $2 per pack cigarette tax hike

Like a re-lit cigarette, smoke again is rising from Senate Bill 768. By state Sen. Kevin de Leon, D-Los Angeles, the bill would place a new tax on cigarettes of $2 a pack, with an equivalent tax on cigars, pipe tobacco

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‘Transportation justice’ in CA helps the poor buy electric cars

The year 2014 sees California helping poor people buy electric cars, what’s called “transportation justice.” SB 359 is by state Sen. Ellen Corbett, D-San Leandro. It approved a loan for $30 million to help finance low-income residents to transition away from older,

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Groups sue city of Sacto over disqualified petitions

Sacramento Taxpayers Opposed to Pork, and Voters for a Fair Arena Deal filed a lawsuit Wednesday Jan. 28, against the city of Sacramento, to put the use of public subsidies for a new basketball arena to a public vote. STOP and

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‘Ghost guns’ could be an apparition in CA

When 3D-printed guns first emerged on the scene, many predicted the “ghost guns” could render the regulation of guns pointless. The creation of the 3-D gun is only about one year old. The first 3D-printed gun initially was fired in

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