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Tag "Taxes"

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A Texas-Sized Move for Carl's Jr.?

Katy Grimes: If everything really is bigger in Texas, then the departure of the Carl’s Jr. headquarters from California could be big, big, big news. Today, Republican Assemblyman Dan Logue hosted another of his monthly Economic Recovery Group lunch meetings

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Spending Still to Rise 31% by 2015

John Seiler: Do they take us for fools? I guess they do. Gov. Jerry Brown, Democrats running the Legislature, potentially some Republicans in the Legislature, the California Chamber of Commerce and other business groups and almost the whole state political

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Your Taxes Already Up $700

John Seiler: Jerry Brown’s $12 billion tax increase, which he wants on a June ballot, comes to about $1,000 a year per family. Reuters just reported that the average American family will pay $700 more a year in gas costs,

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Brown's Tax Election Stalling

MARCH 8, 2011 BY JOHN SEILER A couple of days ago it seemed as though Gov. Jerry Brown had the needed GOP votes to slate a Special Election for June on increasing taxes. Now it seems he doesn’t. His deadline

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'Last Call' For Republicans

MARCH 7 Throughout history, strong political leaders have had the ability to discipline wayward party members. But currently, California Republicans aren’t exactly in a strong enough position to offer up the usual disciplinary threats: removal from cushy or prestigious committee

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MI Cuts Taxes; Why Not CA?

John Seiler: Michigan has been mired in a Depression a lot longer than California. But late last year its unemployment rate, long the worst in the nation, dropped to third-worst. California moved up to second-worst, behind Nevada. Michigan and California

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Not Another Tax!

John Seiler: “Smoke ’em if you got ’em” was a saying back when I as in the U.S. Army 30 years ago. Now it’s “Tax ’em if you got ’em.” Lance Armstrong, the famed bicyclist, is obsessed with raising California

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Go John and Ken!

John Seiler: Especially when there’s a hot California politics topic in the air, I try to listen to KFI AM 640’s broadcast of John and Ken weekday afternoons. If you’re not in the Los Angeles area, you can listen to

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Stop Maldo!

John Seiler: Let the cry go up across the land: Stop Maldonado! Taxpayer traitor Abel Maldonado now is running for U.S. Congress. It was just two years ago that, as a state senator, he sold taxpayers down the river by

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Is An All-Cuts Budget Ahead?

FEB. 25, 2011 By KATY GRIMES SACRAMENTO — There is never a dull moment with California Gov. Jerry Brown. In a surprise visit to a budget committee meeting yesterday, Brown threatened to produce a budget that cuts $26.6 billion from

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