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City Sabotages Volunteer Parks Group

MARCH 28, 2011 With the city of Sacramento cutting Department of Parks and Recreation employees by more than 60 percent in the last two years, neighbors and city residents decided to step up and help out by volunteering to maintain

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Import Gov. Cuomo to California!

John Seiler: Why is it that, whether our governors are Democrat or Republican, they always increase taxes? Republican Govs. Wilson and Schwarzenegger increased taxes. So did Democratic Gov. Gray Davis. And Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown now is pushing $12 billion

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CA GOP Is The Party Of Numbskulls

MARCH 28, 2011 California Republicans love to talk about limiting government, fighting bureaucracy and keeping taxes low, but March 17 they proved that this is nothing more than a rhetorical device. Given the opportunity to rein in the size and

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Is the GOP Dead in California?

John Seiler: When I first got interested in politics as a kid in the 1960s, people talked of the “Solid South,” meaning only Democrats got elected there. The region was dominated by old segregationists like Sen. John Stennis of Mississippi

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Will Brown Hike Taxes w/o Election?

MARCH 28, 2011 By JOHN SEILER If you watch politics long enough, you see everything. The latest is progressives acting like conservatives on the state budget deficit and the liberals’ desire to raise taxes $12 billion. Last week a PPIC

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Dems Put Brakes on Budget Train Wreck

MARCH 28, 2011 By WAYNE LUSVARDI A new Field Poll  found that a supermajority of Democrats has swung against tax increases and wants to halt what appears to be an unstoppable future state budget train wreck. In what should have been

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Adachi Pushes New S.F. Pension Reform

MARCH 28, 2011 By DAVE ROBERTS Jeff Adachi, San Francisco’s elected public defender, is a modern-day Don Quixote tilting at unionized windmills while singing “To Dream the Impossible Pension Reform Dream.” The self-described progressive dared to take on that city’s

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