Growing Government, Not Crops
Katy Grimes: Under the cover of California’s global warming act, legislators want to create another quasi-state agency to assist with implementing AB 32, but this time, imposing the restrictions on the agriculture industry.
At a time when California should be cutting government, some legislators are increasing the long arm of regulations and government oversight.
SB 237, authored by Sen. Lois Wolk, D-Davis, plans for the creation of the California Agricultural Climate Benefits Advisory Committee along with the funds necessary to pay for it.
The bill states “California agriculture is uniquely vulnerable to global warming.” And then the bill makes the statement, “the industry will have to adapt to changing weather patterns and conditions.”
Wolk’s bill already has a number of amendments and changes to it, but still is rather suspicious in its intent. The language used throughout the bill makes it evident that growing government, and not food crops, is the objective.
Where the bill would have allowed proceeds from the sale of carbon credits to fund the new advisory committee, it now says the bill “will establish uses of funds allocated to the agricultural sector from market-based compliance mechanisms…” And, an unspecified agency will administer the funds.
The bill further states: “The following are eligible uses of moneys allocated to the agricultural sector from revenue generated from market-based compliance mechanisms for the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases pursuant to this division: (1) Grants for any of the following:
(A) Research and demonstration projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, sequester atmospheric carbon through, or assist the agricultural sector to adapt to global warming through the use of agricultural technologies, practices, or farming systems, or adapt to global warming, and that also provide environmental cobenefits. Eligible recipients may include California producers, any California institutions of higher education, state or local agencies, and nonprofit organizations. Priority shall be given to proposals that include multiple coapplicants and that include at least one agricultural producer in the development and implementation of the project.”
The bill is being heard today in the Senate Environmental Quality committee at 1:30.
APR. 4, 2011
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