Spain is breaking up; why not California?

Sept. 23, 2012
By John Seiler
Within a couple of decades the majority of Californians will be of Hispanic descent. I hoping that, once aging Gringos like Gov. Jerry Brown and U.S. senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer are retired, some of the best aspects Hispanic politics will be adopted.
For example, Spain — la patria — is breaking up. In particular, wealthy Catalonia is tired of being taxed to death by the centralized regime in Madrid. It’s demanding the return of $5 billion stolen by Madrid, as well as tax cuts.
That sounds just like how the more productive areas of our state, such as San Diego County and Orange County, “donor counties” that are being robbed by California’s centralized wastrels in the state capitol.
Check out the following short video. Just after about 1:45 in the video, the host asks the Spanish sociologist, “Do you think Madrid will give Barcelona what it wants in terms of cash and tax cuts.”
The reporter replies, “I think that’s hard to say right now. I think, certainly, there is a certain degree of negotiating power that the president of Catalonia has gained. And he’s going to have a meeting on the 20th of October with [Prime Minister Mariano] Rajoy to sort of flesh these things out. But it doesn’t seem likely that Rajoy is going to take any initiative in this matter at all.”
President Rajoy is Spain’s version of Gov. Jerry Brown: resistant to change, freedom and independence.
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