CalWatchdog Morning Read – August 10
Gut and amend going nowhere
- UC Davis chancellor guilty of ego
- San Diego Republicans run from Trump
- Bill considers campaign contribution limits on BOE members
- Stockton mayor chairs first meeting post arrest
Good morning and happy Hump Day. In anticipation of the mad dash to pass legislation prior to the rapidly-approaching end of session, Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon has no intentions of stopping the practice loathed by many rank-and-file legislators called “gut and amend.”
Even as a measure to end the most egregious offenses waits for voters in November, even as the procedure is discouraged by leadership and even as the move is prohibited by the Legislature’s rules, Rendon will continue to allow bills to be gutted and amended, his staff confirmed.
Gut and amend is a catchall phrase thrown around Sacramento. In general, it means removing all or a substantial part of a bill and replacing it with new provisions that have little or nothing to do with the bill’s original intent, especially after the bill’s shell has passed through a part of the process, like a committee hearing or a vote in one chamber.
Proponents say there are instances when it’s necessary, but detractors say it leads to bad legislation and limits the power of those with an opposing view. The times that irk opponents the most are when a bill is gutted and amended sometimes just hours before a vote.
CalWatchdog has more.
In other news:
- Embattled UC Davis Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi resigned on Tuesday, “done in largely by pepper spray and ego,” writes The Sacramento Bee.
- “San Diego Republicans run from Trump,” reports the Voice of San Diego. Of course, not all San Diego Republicans, according to Talking Points Memo.
Sen. Jerry Hill, D-San Mateo, has for a second time amended a bill that would have imposed tough new campaign contribution limits on Board of Equalization members to avoid conflicts of interest, but now simply calls for a study of possible new limits. “Hill introduced Senate Bill 816 after The Times reported that donors were circumventing a $250 contribution limit to board members by funneling the money through political action committees or giving several donations — 45 from employees at one tax firm — of $249 each,” reports the Los Angeles Times.
- “Stockton Mayor Anthony Silva presided over his first council meeting Tuesday night since his arrest last week on charges that included child endangerment and supplying alcohol to minors. The public took to the microphone offering both support and criticism,” writes Capital Public Radio.
- Several hearings today, including Appropriations.
- Several hearings scheduled.
Gov. Brown:
- No public events announced.
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