CA mayor’s car vandalized; all assume it was a cop or firefighter

On its surface a Tuesday story in the San Luis Obispo Tribune is a funny, mordant comment on small-town politics in California. But if you dig a little, it turns out to be related to yet another pathetic, union-favoring power

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Sen. Feinstein upset over CIA searching congressional computers

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., generally has a liberal record. Yet the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee long has defended the vast snooping of the NSA and the other intelligence agencies. Perhaps she is having second thoughts after she attacked

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Will ripping out home lawns conserve water?

  During the first week of March, Mother Nature herself violated numerous calls by Gov. Jerry Brown and municipalities for home owners to conserve water — by showering home lawns for several days. We can’t stop Mother Nature. But cities now actually

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Sen. Feinstein moves toward compromise on drought legislation

  Crises commonly produce compromise. That seems to be happening in the U.S. Congress with solutions to California’s drought. In particular, Sen. Dianne Feinstein appears to be moving away from her San Joaquin River Restoration Act of 2009, which was a

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CA Dems: Are they following the pattern of another one-party state?

After I got out of college in the 1980s, I spend a fun few months working as a reporter for a weekly newspaper in Kauai. The chairman of the County Council was an affable young Democrat in his late 20s

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Art Laffer: It’s pretty cool that Democrats know we need lower tax rates

Art Laffer discusses bipartisan tax reform with lower rates and a flatter base.  

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CA Republicans seek return to Reagan Blue

At this weekend’s state party convention at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport, a group of influential California Republicans has an odd request for delegates: help turn California blue. “Around the globe, blue is identified with conservative, free market parties,

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Buzz builds in TX, FL over privately funded bullet-train projects

Back in 2008, perhaps the single biggest thing that supporters of Proposition 1A had going for them was that a California bullet-train network just sounded cool and futuristic. Critics, however, pointed out correctly that the $9.95 billion bond that went

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CA Asians finally grasp that under affirmative action, they’re victims

The fact that Asian-Americans in California tend to be Democratic seems to me to be almost entirely a function of the perception of Democrats are more welcoming to minorities and Republicans more hostile. Surveys and anecdotal evidence show that Asian-Americans

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