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Trial lawyers seek and win extreme verdict they know won’t stand

An insane court ruling led me to write this for the U-T San Diego: At a recent federal trial in San Diego, lawyers for Rosario Juarez presented compelling, disturbing evidence that the San Ysidro resident faced repeated gender discrimination while working

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Gov. Brown nominates Leondra Kruger to state Supreme Court

Governor Jerry Brown has nominated a U.S. Department of Justice official for a spot on the California Supreme Court. On Monday, Brown nominated Leondra R. Kruger, a Yale Law School graduate, to fill a vacancy created by the retirement of

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How Gov. Brown could ace Napolitano on U.C. tuition

As Chris Reed noted last week, U.C. President Janet Napolitano has another thing coming if she thinks she can push a huge U.C. tuition hike past Gov. Jerry Brown. L.A. Times columnist George Skelton just agreed in a column titled, “Gov.

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CA suffers country’s most expensive real estate

Who can afford to live here? The Los Angeles Times reported: Los Angeles County is the second-least affordable housing market in the country for a middle-class family…. That’s according to a new report out Tuesday from real estate website Trulia,

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CA tech geniuses: Global warming strategy a flop

The smartest climate scientists at Google’s Silicon Valley research labs have now joined one of the most brilliant Microsoft techies in concluding that the conventional wisdom about how to fight global warming can’t succeed. John Seiler and George Will, among

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Good news: Lantern brings Internet to everybody

Some good news. A new pocket-sized, solar-powered device, Lantern, brings the Internet to everybody — including the poorest people who have no local Internet. Lantern brings down satellite signals to your computer or smart phone, then lets you communicate with the

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CA GOP eyes special state Senate election

Aside from preventing Democrats from again nabbing two-thirds supermajorities in the California Legislature, the Nov. 4 national GOP electoral wave did little to change the political dynamic here. With two years to go before the 2016 elections, Golden State Republicans have gained

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Biggest solar farm eclipsed

Solar was supposed to be the key “renewable energy” powering California away from dirty old fossil fuels and into the Radiant Future. A 2011 law Gov. Jerry Brown signed mandated 33 percent renewable energy by 2020, now just a little

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Federal drought bill dead in water until 2015

  Better and wetter luck next year, California. On Thursday, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., put the kibosh on passing a federal water bill dealing with California’s drought during the lame-duck session. She wrote in a statement: “Over the past several

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