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Questions Post-Election

  Votes are still being counted in the California election, but the results so far raise some thoughts and questions. Labor or Business — and the winner is? Both sides can point to victories — and defeats. Business-supported candidate Catharine

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Gov. Brown faces high-speed rail hurdles

  Republicans’ triumph last week in the U.S. Congress already is rippling across the country. Does that bother Gov. Jerry Brown and his push for getting more federal funding for California’s high-speed rail project? So far, Congress allocated only $3.5 billion

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Mexico also having high-speed rail problems

California isn’t the only place having problems building high-speed rail. So is Mexico. The Times reported: Bowing to intense criticism, the government of President Enrique Peña Nieto yanked a contract worth nearly $4 billion from a Chinese-led consortium to build

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VIDEO: Is the pot legalization movement more important than the Tea Party?

California led the way on many fronts, including the legalization of marijuana. Is it time to give pot to needy Californians now? Reason Magazine’s Editor Matt Welch joins CalWatchdog’s James Poulos to talk about the weird world of legalization culture

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Think tank explained CA’s affordable housing debacles long ago

A weekend story about the gross failure of affordable housing policies in San Francisco contained plenty of public frustration and official consternation. But it also is one more example of the very shallow way this issue is almost always covered

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CA faces stiffer competition from more GOP-led states

The 50 American states are the “crucibles of democracy,” where new ideas are tried out. The states all compete against one another, with the best ideas winning the day. Although Democrats won almost everything Tuesday in California, the state still

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Voters affirm CA fracking

After a lot of spending and acrimony, little has changed from California’s high-profile ballot measures to ban hydraulic fracturing, which injects a mix of substances into shale rock to free up oil for extraction. In two counties with little to no

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Berkeley imposes soda tax

Berkeley has done all Californians a favor by voting for a demonstration of how taxes drive away business. Its citizens just passed Measure D, a soda tax amounting to 12 cents on a can of Coke or other sugary beverage. The

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Teachers win Torlakson battle, but does Brown want them to win war?

State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson’s defeat of reformer and fellow Democrat Marshall Tuck on Tuesday prompted analysis pieces that outlined how California’s union-dominated education establishment had rang up another win. While Tuesday night was grim for liberals, embattled teachers

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