CalWatchdog Morning Read – May 23

CalWatchdogLogoAfter a year of controversy surrounding his department’s actions, including sending racist and homophobic text messages and questionable use of force incidents, San Francisco Police Chief Greg Suhr stepped down last week.

But will his resignation quiet the political and social unrest in the city, or will others follow, like Mayor Ed Lee, who is surrounded by allies’ controversy, or Fire Chief Joanne Hayes-White, who has been plagued by questions about her leadership and judgement? 

CalWatchdog has more. 

In other news:

  • Voter registration in California is surging at a rate not seen since 1980, reports The San Jose Mercury News. While there are likely many factors at play, the Capitol Weekly reports that much of the credit goes to Facebook. 
  • As the primary approaches and voters consider Prop. 50, which would give the Legislature the ability to suspend misbehaving lawmakers without pay, Capital Public Radio looks at how the idea came about.  
  • “Democratic Rep. Ami Bera, whose father is awaiting sentencing on two felony counts of election fraud, for years has engaged in a complex series of campaign donations involving his parents and the families of other congressional candidates, federal records show,” writes The Sacramento Bee.
  • Los Angeles finally opened its subway line to the ocean over the weekend, but its success will be determined by its functionality, which needs some improvement. The LA Weekly has more. 



Gov. Brown:

  • No public events scheduled.

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