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Tag "bullet train"

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Rail authority offers no ‘remedies’ for bullet-train plan’s legal flaws

On Nov. 8, Sacramento Superior Court Judge Michael Kenny will hold a hearing at which “remedies” to the shortcomings in the state’s bullet-train plan are supposed to be discussed. Those shortcomings were detailed in an Aug. 16 Kenny decision that

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Coming days could be pivotal in bullet-train fight

Friday — or sooner — will see a crucial development in the five-year fight over implementation of Proposition 1A, the 2008 ballot measure that provided $9.95 billion in bond seed money for a statewide bullet-train project while establishing a state

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LOL: Feds now tout 'higher-performing' rail, not bullet train

The federal government has long asserted that its provision of $3 billion-plus in 2009 “stimulus” funds to California for its bullet train is strictly governed by rules that will ensure the money is properly spent on viable high-speed rail projects

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Bullet-train ruling: Mum’s the word from Times, Bee edit boards

Isn’t the fact that the bullet train is going down worthy, yunno, of editorial comment? Judge Michael Kenny’s Aug. 16 ruling that the California High-Speed Rail Authority had failed to meet funding and environmental standards that would allow it to

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Dan Morain (aka George Skelton Jr.) has bullet train ‘scoop’

So a Sacramento Superior Court judge agrees with Quentin Kopp, the father of California’s bullet train, that how the state is pursuing the project flouts state law. So the judge tells the state it has to have all the funds

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Bullet train: Judge shows taxpayers may be saved by Prop. 1A

The Friday ruling by a Sacramento judge that the California High-Speed Rail Authority was violating the 2008 state law providing funds for the bullet-train project was the first good news that the many foes of the project have had in

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Bullet train folly inspires sci-fi-esque breakthrough?

The lead story on Drudge for part of the weekend was about SpaceX and Telsa inventor-guru-visionary Elon Musk championing Hyperloop, a new type of travel system that he claims could move people faster than the speed of sound. That may

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Does obstacle to one bullet train project apply to other, too?

The Obama administration continues to push California to build its $68 billion bullet train, a measly 5 percent of which ($3.5 billion) comes from the federal government. After the first segment is built in the Central Valley, however, there is

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Government incompetence behind Bay Bridge fiasco

July 9, 2013 By Chris Reed The latest revelations about the Bay Bridge’s construction shortcomings point straight to incompetence as the big issue. This is from the Mercury-News: “OAKLAND — When very large, high-strength steel rods on the new Bay

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Top officials live up (down?) to bullet train tradition

June 10, 2013 By Chris Reed When the Los Angeles Times broke the story in April that the California High-Speed Rail Authority had quietly changed the rules to de-emphasize the importance of technical competence among bidders for the first segment

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