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Tag "bullet train"

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CA bullet train crashes through federal, state safeguards

Jan. 28, 2013 By Chris Reed Reports that the California High-Speed Rail Authority and Amtrak are teaming up to buy bullet trains and that the state is preparing for hundreds of eminent-domain property seizures in the Central Valley for the bullet

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State government will have to start subsidizing Amtrak soon

Jan. 24, 2013 By Chris Reed Congress and most presidents have long been ridiculously tolerant of Amtrak and its never-ending need for federal aid — the equivalent of massive ongoing annual bailouts. But five years ago, lawmakers actually got a

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Arnold as U.S. transportation secretary? Talk about karma!

Jan. 2, 2013 By Chris Reed A little more than a year ago, U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood surprised the inside-the-Beltway set by telling a Chicago reporter who asked if he would come back for a second Obama term that

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No ‘time out’ for city in rail authority’s cross-hairs

Dec. 21, 2012 By Chris Reed The nervousness is growing in Bakersfield as the California High-Speed Rail Authority moves toward locking into a route that will disrupt the lives of thousands of people — and maybe for no reason. The

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Bullet-train boondoggle yields a Cabinet-level delusion

Dec. 9, 2012 By Chris Reed A House committee hearing Thursday at which Republicans vowed to use their majority to block new federal funding for California’s bullet-train train wreck produced this astounding passage in The Washington Post: “We’re not giving

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Bullet-train propaganda: China-style vs. California-style

Oct. 22, 2012 By Chris Reed Last week’s New Yorker features a well-reported but conflicted article that tries to depict China’s all-out push to become the world leader in bullet trains as a vast fiasco of corruption, incompetence and hubris

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Best chroniclers of bullet-train follies miss obvious angle on self-driving cars

Sept. 26, 2012 By Chris Reed Mike Rosenberg of the San Jose Mercury-News — the newspaper reporter and the California newspaper who/that have done by far the best job of straight-forwardly illustrating the lunacy of the high-speed rail project —

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In the spirit of ‘Animal Farm’: Some projects are more ‘worthwhile’ than others

By Chris Reed Sept. 21 The difference between the federal government’s go-slow-or-is-it-no-go approach on the Keystone XL oil pipeline and the let’s-get-it-done push for the first segment of the California bullet train is instructive, in that in both cases we

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Will Gov. Brown kill self-driving cars as threat to bullet train?

Sept. 13 By Chris Reed Gov. Jerry Brown gave another hallucinatory endorsement to the bullet-train project in a weekend interview on CNN, depicting the plan as necessary for California’s future. But the growing, glowing reports about the incredible promise offered by

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Choo-Choo Boondoggle Runs Off Cliff

John Seiler: Ding-dong, the stupid bullet train is dead. It’s all over but the scrambling for a couple hundred million dollars of our tax money in various funds. The California High-Speed Rail Peer Review Group yesterday issued a report condemning the

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