Tag "Jerry Brown"

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CA Dems also splitting on social-services spending

As noted in a previous blog, “CA Dem vs CA Dem on taxes,” California’s virtual one-party state is developing fissures. One is over taxes. Another is over spending on social programs. New Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de Leon, D-Los

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Jerry Brown’s $24 million campaign war chest

Being close to a one-party state is distorting California politics in unpredictable ways. The latest: According to the Los Angeles Times, Gov. Jerry Brown still holds almost $24 million in his 2014 war chest for governor. The reason is his Republican

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Fracking with no freshwater — or water — increasingly common

The next great environmental fight in California is likely to be over hydraulic fracturing, the energy extraction process that uses underground water cannons to blast away rock and reach oil and natural gas reserves. Gov. Jerry Brown appears ready to

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CA road use tax could morph into social engineering experiment

The prospect that Californians will face a new state levy is certain to cause grousing and considerable comment. But a proposal that is increasingly making waves has far-reaching implications and possibilities that have yet to be acknowledged. This is from

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CA Dem vs. CA Dem on taxes

One-party systems are inherently unstable. People inevitably choose sides. And budget realities always limit what government can do, bringing conflict. So it’s not surprising Democrats in California, who dominate the minority Republicans despite some GOP gains last November, are fighting

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LAO report: Dozens of school districts not honoring intent of state law

The state Legislative Analyst’s Office released a report last week on how 50 California school districts were dealing with the requirements of the 2013 Local Control Funding Formula law. That’s Gov. Jerry Brown’s ballyhooed reform measure that is meant to

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Leg Analyst: School reserves law not working

Whether finances are personal, business or government, having a reserve makes sense. You never know when an emergency might crop up and you’ll need the funds. Indeed, last November voters approved Proposition 2, which increased the state’s “rainy day” fund

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Rose Bird’s ghost will kill CA death penalty

Given that Gov. Jerry Brown was just elected to an unprecedented fourth term, it’s not surprising an old controversy would come up: the death penalty. As the Los Angeles Times reported, his recent appointments of three liberal justices to the

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UC president appears to cave in fight with Gov. Brown

Three months ago, University of California President Janet Napolitano triggered a fight with Gov. Jerry Brown and leaders of the Legislature when she persuaded the UC regents to commit to a five-year plan in which tuition was raised by 5

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UC budget fight: Brown playing 3D chess, Napolitano playing tic-tac-toe

Gov. Jerry Brown has upped the stakes in his fight with University of California President Janet Napolitano over who is ultimately in charge of UC budget and tuition decisions. Napolitano’s success last fall in getting UC regents to approve a

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