Tag "John Seiler"

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Latest: Economy Crashing Fast

John Seiler: Don’t Gov. Jerry “Jobs Killer” Brown, the Democratic-run Legislature, the government-employee unions and the tax-obsessives in the media see what’s going on? The Depression is back — big time. The economy is crashing — fast. The latest: U.S.

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Jerry Brown Killed This Business

Gov. Jerry “Jobs Killer” Brown quickly is replacing departed adulterer Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger as California’s second-worst governor. (Gov. Earl Warren always will be the state’s worst governor for stuffing loyal Japanese-Americans into concentration camps during World War II.) The Mercury

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Series Exposed Redistricting Sham

JULY 29, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Yesterday the California Citizens Redistricting Commission released its final maps, which already are generating lawsuits to overturn them. In recent weeks, CalWatchDog.com ran an exclusive series of articles, by John Hrabe, exposing the process.

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Goodwin Liu Mangles the Constitution

Gov. Jerry Brown’s Tuesday appointment of Goodwin Liu to the California Supreme Court will continue the state’s lurch to the Left. Liu clearly believes in a highly activist judiciary for which the U.S. Constitution and the California Constitution are as

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Now for Something Really Stupid

John Seiler: Except for those getting the cash, just about every analyst of the California High-Speed Rail Authority says it’s a boondoggle. Dan Walters summed it up: It’s rare for any human endeavor to achieve perfection, but California’s High-Speed Rail Authority has done it

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Jerry Appoints Radical to Top Court

John Seiler: Those working for the independence of South California will find more ammunition in Gov. Jerry Brown’s pick for the state Supreme Court, Goodwin Liu. The appointee is a radical left-wing professor at U.C. Berkeley (where else?). Republicans themselves

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Commish Gives Dems 2/3 Majority

John Seiler: A year and a half ago I was the first person to predict that, in 2012 or 2014, redistricting would bring Democrats two-thirds majorities in both houses of the California Legislature. My March 10, 2010 article, “Census Pushing

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U.S.-Calif. Stuck in Stagnation Spiral

JULY 26, 2011 BY JOHN SEILER Welcome to the desert of economic and jobs growth. I keep reminding people that California actually still is part of the United States of America. That we are not the “eighth largest world economy,”

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Actually, Jerry, Blacks Exiting CA

John Seiler: In an address yesterday to the NAACP, Gov. Jerry Brown contrasted his highly tolerant and politically correct self with a predecessor. According the Bee, he “said that California has come a long way since the state’s first civilian governor said

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Rutten's Amazon Attack Ignores Reality

JULY 25, 2011 By JOHN SEILER L.A. Times columnist Tim Rutten continues his tax obsession in “Amazon’s shameful California tax dodge.” He just has it in for Amazon.com. He makes a weird comparison: At the turn of the last century,

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