Tag "John Seiler"

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Budget Assumptions Don't Hold Up

JULY 7, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Not even a week old, the California budget Gov. Jerry Brown signed already is out of balance. “They did not cut as much as they needed to, and they pushed up revenue estimates,” Esmael

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1,400 Workers in $200,000 Club

John Seiler: How would you like to make $200,000 a year? Join the California government. State budget and deficit problems? Let somebody else worry about it. Controller John Chiang just released the salary list for the state’s top moneybags. Names

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No Tax Increase – State Still Standing

John Seiler: Here we are, five days into the new fiscal year. No tax increase was imposed. Instead, on July 1, we got some tax cuts here in California. That’s the spirit! The spirit of the 1776 tax revolt and

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Yes! Split California in Two

John Seiler: Riverside County Supervisor Jeff Stone advocates something I long have backed: Split California in two. Let Gov. Jerry “Jobs Killer” Brown, the nutty Democratic Legislature, the government employee unions and others following the North Korean political philosophy have

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Govt. Stockholm Syndrome Strikes

John Seiler: You’ve probably heard of Stockholm Syndrome, where hostage victims end up identifying with the hostage takers. Here’s Wikipedia’s definition: In psychology, Stockholm syndrome is a term used to describe a real paradoxical psychologicalphenomenon wherein hostages express empathy and have positive feelings towards their

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Victims of 'Amazon Tax' Cry Out

Note: If you were fired as an Amazon affiliate, please email me your story to be included in a future article: [email protected] JULY 1, 2011 By JOHN SEILER “I was fired today,” my friend Gary Metz wrote me just after

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Skelton: Tax, Tax, Tax, Tax, Tax

John Seiler: In his column on the budget disaster, L.A. Times columnist George Skelton continues with his perpetual mantra: tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax,

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Amazon Warns It Will Fire Affiliates

John Seiler: Update, 6:13 pm, June 29, 2011: Gov. Jerry “Kill Businesses” Brown just signed this jobs-killing bill. It also slams Internet commerce globally, something anyone in California should oppose because of our huge Internet companies. Brown fashions himself a

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But — It's Still a Phony Budget

John Seiler: If a new budget passes as described in news accounts, Controller John Chiang should continue withholding legislators’ pay. That’s because the deal worked out between Gov. Jerry Brown and the dominant Democrats in the Legislature still would be

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July 1 Tax Cut Will Boost CA Economy

NOTE: This article first appeared yesterday in Flashreport.org. JUNE 28, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Assuming Republicans in the Legislature stand solid, Californians could get an early Independence Day gift this year: tax cuts. And that gift will provide a needed

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