Tag "John Seiler"

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Stockton SWAT Raid Over Student Loans

JUNE 10, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Editor’s note: This article was rewritten to reflect more recent information, which corrected some of what was reported. The evidence that America now is a full-blown police state keeps pouring in. Governments short of

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Brown, Leg Ignore Crashing Economy

John Seiler: Wasn’t Gov. Jerry Brown supposed to be the all-knowing, all-seeing wise man, the Guru of Tofu, Jerry the Magnificent? He reminds me of Carnac the Magnificent, the old Johnny Carson skit. Except Jerry the Magnificient isn’t funny. He

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Republicans Selling Out

John Seiler: As I expected, Gov. Jerry “Tax ‘Em Till They Drop” Brown is cadging enough Republican votes for his tax increases. Key quote from the L.A. Times story: He and Republicans have largely settled, however, on a core package

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CA Retailers Assn. Attempts Suicide

John Seiler: With national economic news almost all bad, what does the California Retailers Association do? Back Gov. Jerry Brown’s demand for a massive tax increase of $50 billion over five years, which would cost each family about $5,000.  Somebody should

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Richest Counties Not in CA

John Seiler: You might think that some of America’s richest counties would be right here in California. Santa Clara County — Silicon Valley — houses the world’s computer geniuses. Orange County has valuable beach property and high-tech Irvine. San Francisco

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McClintock: Water Actually 'Abundant'

JUNE 2, 2011 By JOHN SEILER The history of California practically is the history of water. So it’s not surprising that the recent history of the state involves a shift from government facilitating growth to government sharply restricting growth —

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S.F. Bay Fire & Cops Watch Man Drown

JUNE 2, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Fire and police rescue crews stood by — for a full hour — while a man drowned in S.F. Bay. What kind of people are these? MSNBC reports (the link includes a video): Interim

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Govt. Pension Crisis Gets Worse

John Seiler: An excellent article in today’s Contra Costa Times by columnist Daniel Borenstein reports that the state’s government pension crisis is even worse than we thought: IF THERE’S any hope of resolving the California public-employee pension dilemma, it must

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Govt. Worker Suicide Was Cokehead

John Seiler: Remember the government worker, Huy Pham, who jumped from a government building in Costa Mesa after he was laid off? Pro-government unions and politicians still are blaming his death on the mean City Council of Costa Mesa that

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CA GOP Should Divorce Arnold

John Seiler: Ex-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s wife, Maria, is divorcing him. California Republicans should do the same. For years, Arnold courted, then seduced Republicans. He used his superstar movie persona to trick them into trusting them. He cooed in their ears the

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