Tag "John Seiler"

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Gov. Brown Insults CA Taxpayers

John Seiler: Gov. Jerry Brown spoke in Los Alamitos on Saturday before the California Cadet Corps. Reported the L.A. Times: The governor couldn’t resist alluding to the state’s budget stalemate in his remarks to the crowd in Los Alamitos, saying

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Skelton Needs Remedial Math

John Seiler: Sometimes I just shake my head. L.A. Times California columnist George Skelton writes today: Let’s be clear: State employee pensions are not to blame for Sacramento’s budget deficit. Not by any math. Down the road, the current state

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Jerry Is Why CA Doesn't Work

John Seiler: Speaking to a firefighters’ conference Wednesday about his palmy days as governor back in the 1970s, once-again Gov. Jerry Brown said: Everything worked. California was a golden state. A poppy bloomed on every corner. Nowadays, he must be

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Cal-EPA Indoctrinates School Children

APRIL 8, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Californian’s school children might be performing 49th of 50 states on standardized tests. And they might graduate at only a 44 percent rate, as in Los Angeles. But they’re going to get the best

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Southern Cal Expelling Families

APRIL 7, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Using data from the 2010 U.S. Census, analysis from various think tanks will be trickling out. One of the most revealing just was released by the Brookings Institution on America’s child population (boldface in

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Republicans Still Don't Get It

John Seiler: Yesterday John & Ken on KFI-640 here in Southern California talked with Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, Republican of Hesperia. John & Ken attacked Republicans for being spineless. Donnelly said things had changed, that the GOP now was courageous and

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Recall May Be GOP's Only Power Left

APRIL 5, 2011 By JOHN SEILER Say what you will about the defects of the two-party system. At least it’s not a one-party system nationally. But California increasingly is a one-party state, with Democrats dominant and Republicans down and out.

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What Happened to CA Armageddon?

John Seiler: I haven’t noticed the earth quaking. Or thousands of Californians being washed out to drown in the Pacific Ocean, the way Japanese were after their recent earthquake-tsunami. But just a couple of weeks ago Gov. Jerry Brown was

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Budget Tax Soap Opera Continues

APRIL 1, 2011 By JOHN SEILER The latest episode of the soap opera “As the Tax Increase World Turns” is putting another 1 percentage-point tax on the wealthy. It’s being promoted by the California Federation of Teachers union, which sponsored

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Brown, GOP Reach Budget Deal

John Seiler: In early negotiations Friday, Gov. Jerry Brown reached a budget agreement with Republican legislators to increase taxes $12 billion — without a ballot measure. Votes in the Assembly and Senate are expected later in the day. Two Republicans

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