Tag "John Seiler"

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Berkeley shuts down Thiel’s free speech

As I detailed earlier, this month marks the 50th anniversary of the Berkeley Free Speech Movement. I noted that, today, free speech largely has been extinguished at the University of California, Berkeley and other American campuses. They’re now just centers

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Did tax rise help CA, tax cuts hurt KS?

Editor’s note: See correction at the bottom. Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore. We’re in California, where the winter weather is in the 70s and the high taxes are imposed by the Great and Powerful Oz.

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Sen. de Leon defends kingly swearing-in ceremony

Being king means never having to say you’re sorry. That’s sure the attitude of new California Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de Leon, D-Los Angeles. He’s still defending the lavish swearing-in ceremony, paid for with private funds (from those hoping to

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Are Democrats still relevant?

Ronald Reagan became a lame duck after his 1984 election landslide. His Republican Party, thanks to the incompetent leadership of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, even lost control of the U.S. Senate in 1986, leaving Democrats in charge of both houses of

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Remember Pearl Harbor — 73 years ago

Most of us remember where we were on 9/11. Older baby boomers remember where they were when JFK was shot. The Greatest Generation, now almost all passed into eternity, remembers where they were on Dec. 7, 1941, when the Japanese

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BMW runs over Tesla

Remember how Tesla boasted it was hooking up with German auto giant BMW? Turns out it’s not happening. Digital Trends reported: Well, it turns out the story was a bit of a wash, because BMW officials recently told German magazine

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50 years after the Berkeley Free Speech Movement

It’s been 50 years today since Mario Savio gave his “put your bodies upon the gears” speech at the University of California, Berkeley, the best remembered part of the Free Speech Movement. He attacked the university administration for running the school like

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Congress switches to dynamic scoring

This should have happened the last time Republicans took over all of Congress, in 1995. The new GOP majority is switching budget calculations to “dynamic scoring.” The L.A. Times reported: For years, leading GOP lawmakers have wanted to change the

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Protesters reject UC tuition hike

California witnessed protests not just against the grand-jury verdict in the Ferguson, Mo. situation. Students here also are protesting the proposed hike in tuition at the University of California advanced by President Janet Napolitano. Reported the Times: In Berkeley, scores of

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Why does CA unemployment remain so high?

Silicon Valley and other areas of coastal California are doing well — assuming you can afford to live there. But the state economy as a whole remains stagnant, with unemployment stuck at 7.3 percent for October, the same as the

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