Tag "John Seiler"

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Chart shows government healthcare takeover

This chart shows how the U.S. government took over healthcare from the private sector — sharply reducing our control over our own health. And it began long before Obamacare/Covered California, which will increase the takeover even more. Even if you somehow

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Arnold returns for ‘climate change’ confab

While restarting his acting career and going through numerous personal crises, Arnold Schwarzenegger has avoided reminding people he was the governor for seven disastrous years. He returned to Sacramento this week to sponsor a confab on what he once called “global

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CalSTRS shows how to cut debt

It turns out public pension debt can be reduced. And the California State Teachers’ Retirement System is showing how. CalPensions reports: CalSTRS was bracing to report the nation’s biggest pension debt under new government accounting rules that take effect this

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How are Japan’s tax increases working?

Given the desire for even more tax increases for American and California, how are the recent  tax increases working in Japan? TOKYO (AP) — Japan’s economy shrank more sharply in the second quarter than first estimated and the latest indicators suggest

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Bill would end Medi-Cal asset seizures

“Nothing is certain in this world except death and taxes” is an old saying. California also has seizures after death. Now, the California Legislature just passed a bill to limit the seizure of the estates of Medi-Cal recipients. The Mercury-News reported:

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Gut and amend time

“Laws are like sausages. You should never see them made,” is a variant on a saying by Otto von Bismarck. The old Prussian has been dead 116 years, but if he came back he certainly would recognize the California Legislature’s

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Mexico moves toward free-market oil

After its 1994 peso crisis, Mexico could have chosen more socialism — or move toward capitalism. It chose the latter and has been one of the world’s growth success stories ever since. Tax rates actually are lower than in El Norte (although

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Farm workers protest CA labor bureaucrats

Gerawan’s oppressed workers are protesting today. For a year we have reported on the farm workers for Gerawan putting up with high-handedness, bureaucratic delay and abuse by state labor officials. The workers entered into a contract with the United Farm Workers 20 years

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Trust in govt. drops to new low

A new Gallup Poll shows what we all know just from talking to people: Trust in government is at a new low. Just 19 percent say they trust government “Just about always/Most of the time.” Must be government workers and

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Fact-checking Tom Steyer on climate change

I continue to contend that “climate change” is a meaningless phrase because the climate obviously changes. But how? To what effect? It’s like saying “baby change” about an infant. How? Is he well and growing? Is he ill? “Climate change”

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