Tag "John Seiler"

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Arnold still driving Hummer

Despite its motto, “Advancing Policy, Not Politics” — as if the two could be separated — the USC Schwarzenegger Institute still promotes the former governor’s policies on global warming/climate change. A recent press release reads: Arnold Schwarzenegger Issues Statement on

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CalTRANS workers watching soccer on taxpayer time

Normally, I would cheer government workers wasting my tax dollars by goofing off. I wish IRS, Franchise Tax Board, numerous bureaucrats and others would spend all their working time — yes, even when earning pay, perks and pensions at my

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Aussies dump carbon tax

AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, was enacted by the Legislature and signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger not just to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in California by 30 percent. Its exact wording also read: National and international

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Four years of JC down the drain

One of the best lines in the 1978 comedy “Animal House” occurs when the Delta frat rats have been thrown off campus, and Bluto groans, “Seven years of college down the drain.” I was reminded of that when reading this report

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State workers get pay raise

How’s your pay raise going in the private sector? Woops! Didn’t get one? Well, you should have joined the public sector and lived off those who actually produce something. July 1 saw a pay raise for state employees. And of

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Are you ready for another Revolution?

Here’s some good news for Independence Day: Americans are losing confidence in all branches of government, perhaps a portent of another revolt against tyranny, this time toppling “our” government rather than that of George III. Of course, it’s not “our”

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Minimum wage jumps to $9 an hour

Here’s what the minimum wage does: it destroys tens of thousands of jobs to increase the pay of tens of thousands of other jobs. It does this by increasing government coercion over our lives even more than it already does.

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Will dockworkers strike?

West Coast dockworkers are threatening to strike again from their incredibly high-paying jobs. Their members already earn $25 to $40 an hour, with plush benefits. But this time it’s different. A $5.25 billion project is making the Panama Canal wider,

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CA legalizes Bitcoin

Bitcoin is the controversial new “digital currency.” Although widely used, technically it was illegal in California until Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill Saturday officially legalizing it. The Christian Science Monitor reported: Democratic Assemblyman Roger Dickinson, the bill’s author, said earlier

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6 measures qualify for ballot

Because it plays by its own rules, the California Legislature still can add initiatives to the November ballot. But with the official deadline now passed, six measures are scheduled for the ballot. We’ll be covering them all. But for now,

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