Tag "John Seiler"

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CA GOP’s Arnold Problem

Going on 11 years now, the California Republican Party has an “Arnold Problem.” Gone from office now almost four years, ex-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger continues to loom over the party. Here’s what “The Terminator” promised during the 2003 “Total Recall” election: The

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Covered CA failing

Just like the Veterans Administration, Covered California — the state’s implementation of Obamacare — is failing its patients. That’s what happens under socialized medicine. The Los Angeles Times reported: Nearly 1,500 Californians have complained to state regulators in the last

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Would Donnelly run hurt GOP in U.S. House?

I’ve been watching political campaigns since Barry Goldwater vs. the Ogre LBJ in 1964. And this just doesn’t seem right to me. Roll Call reports on how a victory in the Top Two primary by Assemblyman Tim Donnelly over Neel Kashkari

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Bring Ol’ Sparky back to CA?

California hasn’t executed anyone in more than 8 years. And just 14 since it was allowed again in 1978. Problems remain with lawsuits concerning the lethal-injection method. And a proposed initiative would shorten death-penalty appeals. But maybe Tennesses has found

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Poll: Special interests run state govt.

People finally are catching on that “government of the people” isn’t. The Public Policy Institute of California’s new poll finds: “A strong majority says state government is pretty much run by a few big interests looking out for themselves (68%),

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Covered CA = VA

Some thoughts for Memorial Day, which approaches on Monday. If there’s one government program I favor, it’s helping America’s severely wounded veterans. When they signed up to defend our freedoms, they were promised that, should they be hurt in combat,

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Gov. Brown blames wildfires on global warming

Gov. Jerry Brown has been blaming the wildfires on global warming/climate. The Times summarized his recent statements: “We here in California are on the front lines,” Brown said on ABC in the first of two Sunday morning news show appearances…. The

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San Fran = Rwanda

San Francisco is by far the most liberal city in the United States. In the 2012 election, it voted 83 percent for Democratic President Obama and 13 percent for Republican Mitt Romney. So one would think that SF would have the

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Laffer explains why people flee CA

Dr. Arthur Laffer helped design the Proposition 13 tax cuts in California in 1978, which undergird what little prosperity California still has; and President Reagan’s 1981-83 tax cuts, which provided 25 years of prosperity, with two minor recessions (because the

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Update: More on Climategate cooked books

AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, continues to gut the California economy. Even after the 2009 revelations of Climategate showing that “climate scientists” cooked the books on the numbers. Even after Climategate II in 2011. Now we have

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