Tag "John Seiler"

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CA governments can open meetings with prayer

In one of those weird rulings, today the U.S. Supreme Court decided that it’s OK for local governments to open meetings with prayer. It’s weird because the Court itself opens with the prayer, “God save the United States and this Honorable

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Jerry Brown expresses satisfaction with CA’s 24% poverty rate

If you live in a state that has by far the highest effective poverty rate in the U.S. — at just under one-quarter of the population — you would seem unlikely to express satisfaction with the economics status quo. But

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Dems face ethnic Family Feud

One thing I’ve predicted for years is that once Democrats reached supermajority status, fierce intra-party battles would surface. I regerenced the “Solid South,” meaning the total dominance Democrats had in the U.S. South from the end of Reconstruction through the 1960s.

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Gov. Brown excuses Toyota move with Schumpeter

It was free-market economist Joseph Schumpeter who coined the phrase, “creative destruction.” He meant that a dynamic economy doesn’t stand still. That cars replace buggies; trucks replace conestoga wagons; computers replace typewriters; smartphones replace line phones. A dynamic society is different

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Sen. Lieu is Shocked! — Shocked! — Toyota is leaving Torrance

Democratic State Sen. Ted Lieu is Shocked!  — Shocked! — that Toyota’s U.S. headquarters is splitting Torrance, which he represents, for Texas. He wrote on his website: “I am really angry. Nothing prepared any of us for this surprise announcement

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June voter guide gives candidates’ visions for CA

Are you ready for some campaigning? In recent days voters have received in the mail Official Voter Information Guide for the June 3 primary election. It conveniently lists every candidate for office and the two propositions on the ballot: Proposition 41,

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Today is CA Tax Freedom Day

For Californians, today is Tax Freedom Day. That means, if you had to pay all your taxes first before getting any of your earnings for yourself and your family, from Jan. 1 to April 29, every cent would go to

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Gov. Brown will see Mexico’s low taxes in action

Gov. Jerry Brown today announced that in July he will lead a California trade mission to Mexico. He “will be joined by a diverse delegation of California government, business, economic development, investment and policy leaders on the Mission, which will

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Sen. Leland Yee promises to ‘prevent corruption’

Especially where federal corruption charges are concerned, we always should presume innocence. That includes with state Sen. Leland Yee, D-San Francisco, who has been indicted for allegedly trading illegal arms for campaign cash. But I just got in the mail

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Now Toyota leaves CA for TX

In another major blow to the California economy, Toyota is moving its headquarters from Torrance to Dallas after 57 years here. The excuse is that it wants to be near its manufacturing plants in the Southeast. That itself is telling. Toyota

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