Tag "John Seiler"

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Refund illegal taxes?

Suppose you buy a new car with a GPS navigation system built in. But you drive it home and realize the system wasn’t installed. Should you get your money back for the lack of the feature? Of course you should.

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Video: Entrepreneurship still thrives in CA

Not all businesses have been driven from California because of its high taxes and regulations. Some entrepreneurs still are find ways to thrive…

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Bill would stamp ‘Veteran’ on CA vet licenses

AB 1637 would stamp a “Veteran” designation on the drivers licenses of Californians who served. It’s by Assembly members Jim Frazier, D-Oakley, and Richard Bloom, D-Santa Monica. According to the Chronicle: “The hope, Frazier said, is that the license designation under

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Hoover conference reaches consensus on some areas of pension reform

Today the Hoover Institution released a crucial document in California’s debate over pensions, “California Public Pension Solutions: Post-Conference Report.” The conference itself took place last October. But its debates and findings now have been compiled for everyone to read and

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CalPERS rate hike slams cities

Californians are finding out how Gov. Jerry Brown is going to deal with the state’s pension crisis: make the taxpayers pay for it. This from CalPensions: A divided CalPERS board yesterday approved a faster rate hike for the state urged

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‘No Party Preference’ gains in CA voter registrations

“No Party Preference” continues its gradual rise in voter registrations according to new data released today by California Secretary of State Debra Bowen. As of Dec. 31, 2013, registration was: Democratic: 43.6 percent, down from 46.8 percent in 1997; Republican:

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Obama working on CA drought

As difficult as the drought is for California, it’s wonderful to know that President Obama cares and is helping out. He won the state in 2012 by a margin of more than 3 million votes. From Time magazine: On Saturday,

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1/4 of Americans believe the sun revolves around earth

It’s hard to think of any more damning condemnation of American “education” than this. These people also vote, including for more tax money for more miseducation. And remember, California’s education system is near the bottom of a U.S. system, which

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Oil giant Occidental gushes for Houston

Maybe they’ll regret it when the heat and humidity hit next summer, but Occidental Petroleum is the latest industrial firm to leave California for Texas: “Occidental Petroleum, the longtime Los Angeles-based energy giant, announced Friday that it would move its

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CBS: Record cold ice storms = global warming

I’ve finally figured it out. CBS just ran a story blaming global warming for the record cold ice storms Back East. So, here’s what it all means: global warming = global warming global cooling = global warming climate change =

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