Tag "John Seiler"

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Will Tea Party be suppressed again in 2014?

A year ago Americans found out that the Obama administration perpetrated the biggest abuse of the IRS since the Nixon administration 40 years earlier. The IRS targeted the conservative Tea Party for special abuse, including California groups. For example, NorCal

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Mizzou vs. CA egg fight

One reason for the long prosperity of the United States is that the country is a vast free-trade zone. Whatever the trade policies toward other countries over the years — protectionist or free trade — 330 million Americans can trade

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Obamacare kills

Al Sharpton was on MSNBC saying how wonderful Obamacare is. Its state version here is Covered California. Actually, it kills. From Mediate: On Fox & Friends weekend edition, conservative pundit Ann Coulter told cohost Tucker Carlson that her friend’s sister had passed away over the weekend

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New L.A. NFL team would be a waste

Congratulations to the Seattle Seahawks for winning the Super Bowl. Now back to politics. It looks like the Cleveland/Los Angeles/Anaheim/St. Louis Rams might return to Los Angeles: NEW YORK—There has been renewed attention in recent days on the NFL’s potential return

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Apple’s anti-Big Brother ad more relevant after 30 years

Thirty years on, the 1984 Super Bowl best is remembered for Apple’s iconic “1984” commercial. It included references to Big Brother and Orwell’s “1984” novel, the repressive Soviet Union during a tense part of the Cold War and the approaching

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Headlines from today’s Drudge Report: Under a picture of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco: I’M NOT GOING! Nearby: REPORT: Nearly Half of America Lives Paycheck-to-Paycheck… STOCKS WORST JANUARY IN FOUR YEARS… Inflation spiral looms…

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Why no Asian Nobel economics laureates?

Fabled investor Jim Rogers brings up an important point: Why has there never been an Asian winner of the Nobel economics prize? Yet during the 44 years the prize has been awarded, it’s Asia’s economic dynamism that has astounded the

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Ex cons working for Covered California

Long waits and frustrating computer snags might not be the worst thing about Covered California, our state’s version of Obamacare. Dig this: At least 43 convicted criminals are working asObamacare navigators in California, including three individuals with records of significant financial

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Obama ignores global cooling freeze out

One part of President Obama’s State of the Union with high implications for California was this: But we have to act with more urgency because a changing climate is already harming western communities struggling with drought and coastal cities dealing

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State of the Union: Obama, the rich, the poor and California

In his State of the Union address tonight, President Obama is expected to talk about the gap between rich and poor Americans. He has benefited himself. At the 2000 Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles, his credit cards were maxed

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