Tag "John Seiler"

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It’s hard to see how Jerry loses

Chapman University’s usually accurate Economic Forecast expects growth of about 2.2 percent over the next year for the country, somewhat higher for California. That’s not fantastic; previous economic recoveries have been much stronger. But it’s way better than a recession.

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Chart shows stock market NOT setting records

The following chart plots the Dow Jones Industrial Average against gold since 1978. This is important because gold is the only real money. Paper currencies are manipulated by central banks and governments. Remember what happened to the Zimbabwean dollar? How

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Tax ’em if you got ’em

California is inhaling another pack of attempts to increase cigarette taxes. Joe Mathews enthuses about it on Fox and Hounds: This state needs to raise tobacco taxes. For a state as properly focused on health as California, the fact that

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Sac Bee finally discovers Gerawan-UFW story

Since June, Katy Grimes has been covering the struggle between Gerawan Farms and its workers against the United Farm Workers union and Sacramento politicians. Almost two months ago, she profiled Silvia Lopez, the farm worker who was fighting UFW representation

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Southern California country song

I was driving around yesterday morning with a country music fan. He had on our local country station, Go Country 105. Up came this song, “Days of Gold,” by Jake Owen, about “Southern summers, that sun shinin’ down like Daddy’s

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Fisker $192 million taxpayer investment goes to China

This is the perfect government program. Fisker Automotive got $192 million of our tax dollars for its greenie electric flivver. Then it want bankrupt. Now the Chinese bought it for $25 million. So here’s how government works nowadays. 1. The

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New Aussie PM brands carbon tax ‘socialism’

Last month West Coast governors, led by Gov. Jerry Brown, agreed to impose carbon taxes on their people. And California has had a carbon trading system for a year now. But new Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, in an interview

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The DOW has NOT set new records

The so-called economic recovery supposedly is shown by the Dow Jones Industrial Average hovering around the 16,000 mark, the highest ever. It’s just below that number as I write. In fact, adjusted for inflation, the DJIA is the same as

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Prof. Dr. Schwarzenegger totally doesn’t recall his record

Funding your own Institute entitles you to distort your record. Except with me. Last Friday ex-Gov. and USC Downey Prof. Dr. Arnold Schwarzenegger (USC actually made him both a professor and a doctor) presided over a symposium at his USC

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How CA GOP will attack Dems in 2014 election

California Republicans might not be the most talented bunch, but now and then they can figure out what to do. This time, it’s obvious. They will do three things: 1. Attack Obamacare. 2. Attack Obamacare. 3. Attack Obamacare. The next

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