Tag "John Seiler"

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Global cooling: Arctic ice GROWING

Remember Al Gore’s 2006 “An Convenient Truth?” phony documentary? It showed Arctic ice melting and crashing into the ocean. It garnered Al an Academy Award, a Nobel Peace Prize — and greatly increased his own personal wealth. It was part

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The bigger mafia

The state of California just nabbed another $32,000 from Al Pacino, star of “The Godfather,” “Scarface” and other gangster films. Reportedly, he promptly paid the “tax” bill. Even Don Corleone and Tony Montana have to pay “protection” money to bigger

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Why do Dems nominate Pelosi, Feinstein, Boxer?

California is supposed to be a liberal state, with the most liberal Democratic Party in the country. Yet its top honchos back the bombing of Syria that is overwhelmingly opposed by Americans — left, right and center. Those honchos: House

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Kids burning Obamacare cards

If you're old enough, you might recall students burning their draft cards during the 1960s and early 1970s. They were protesting LBJ's War, which we lost after 58,000 brave young Americans troops were killed, and about 3 million Vietnamese. The

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Tax-funded zombies

I've enjoyed the “Walking Dead” TV show. Although the last season wasn't as good because they got away from the Zombies and featured the Rick vs. the Governor human conflict. The Governor better could be called “the Government” because, like

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Hank Jr. on the Depression

New numbers show that the co-called economic “recovery” is bogus. See Adam O'Neal's new article. And a new report showed that a record 90,473,000 Americans 16 years and older are not in the labor force. It's just going to get

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Siskiyou County Declaration of Independence

  Hooray for Siskiyou County, whose Board of Supervisors just voted for the county to secede from California! They’re tired of the state regime’s record high taxes and incredible regulations; and the neglect of their needs and wishes. To help

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Californians fleeing to Nevada

Taxes have consequences. That’s something tax increasers don’t understand. Remember how Gov. Jerry Brown and others campaigned last year for Prop. 30, saying millionaires had to “pay their fair share” (even though “millionaire” was defined, in California math, as someone

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America becomes Stalag 13

I was watching the classic TV sitcom “Hogan’s Heroes,” about a group of American and other allied prisoners stuck in a German prisoner of war camp, Stalag 13, during World War II. The most evil of the Nazis is Gestapo

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We are much less free than in 1975

Economic Policy Journal lists 10 things you could do in 1975 you can’t do today because America is much less free: 1. You could buy an airline ticket and fly without ever showing an ID. 2. You could buy cough

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