Tag "John Seiler"

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Panetta panel pushed gun control

May 28, 2013 By John Seiler Former SecDef Leon Panetta, also a former congressman from Monterey, on Monday convened a panel on gun control. Although some gun defenders were there, this mainly was a pro-gun control powwow. It’s significant that

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Site problems

May 28, 2013, 12:53 pm By John Seiler Earlier today we has some problems with our site, but now it’s up. We’re sorry for the inconvenience. –John Seiler, Managing Editor  

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Tesla just a tax-funded government project

May 26, 2013 By John Seiler I’ve seen a couple of Tesla cars tooling around Orange County. They’re neat, as we said in the 1960s. And they’re made in California. They also survived where other electric car companies, such as

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Obama regime targeted conservatives and libertarians beginning in 2008

May 25, 2013 By John Seiler It’s now coming out that President Obama’s regime began targeting conservatives and libertarians in 2008 — even before he was elected and took office. These were not normal criticisms in the heat of a

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Why do we need govt.? Dept.

May 24, 2013 By John Seiler Governments tell us we need to pay high taxes to them so they can protect us from criminals. And one of the most liberal Democratic areas in the country is Oregon. It’s a heavily

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IRS attacks survivor of Japanese internment camp

May 23, 2013 By John Seiler How low did the IRS go in assaulting free Americans? About as low as it gets. New Mexico Watchdog reports on the IRS hounding of Marianne Chiffelle, an 83-year-old grandmother who was interned in Indonesia by

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Apple right to avoid ridiculous taxes

May 22, 2013 By John Seiler Apple Inc. is the world’s most profitable and admired company. It’s also the world’s biggest tax dodger. Reported the Wall Street Journal of a U.S. Senate grilling of CEO Tim Cook, “The Senate panel,

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Noon today: Tea Party protests against abusive IRS

Update 8:30 pm: The protests have occurred. Please post below any reports of protests you attended or witnessed. May 21, 2013 By John Seiler The Tea Party is holding peaceful rallies today at noon across the country to protest IRS

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Obama-connected Media Matters smeared prez critics

May 21, 2013 By John Seiler Last year, the Obama-connected left-wing group Media Matters engaged in a vendetta against the American Legislative Exchange Council. ALEC is a venerable, old, bipartisan group that helps legislators craft bills. Media Matters was upset

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Surprise! Government assaults its critics

May 20, 2013 By John Seiler Government cons us into believing it “helps” people. It really exists to help itself — and hurt those that want to reduce its immense powers. My colleague Steven Greenhut just visited Washington, D.C., and

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