Tag "John Seiler"

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Washington misreads California — again

June 21, 2012 By John Seiler If you’ve ever lived in Washington, D.C., as I did in 1977 and from 1982 to 1987, you know the place lives under a bubble. They have no idea what’s going on in the

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Top Two destroyed third parties

June 12, 2012 By John Seiler More than two years ago on CalWatchDog.com, I was the first to report that the Top Two voting system would destroy third parties. My article was entitled, “Will Prop. 14 kill third parties?” It

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We have been deleting abusive comments

June 8, 2012 By John Seiler We appreciate our commentators adding to our articles. But the past two days I have spent several hours deleting abusive posts, in particular from one commentator who has contributed interesting, civil comments in the

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Winner Emken launches pointless campaign

June 6, 2012 By John Seiler When I fired up the Drudge Report this morning, the first ad on the top was for Elizabeth Emken. The screen capture is at right. Her campaign obviously had this ready to go after

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Cig tax increase cliffhanger

Update: Prop. 29 lost. June 5, 2012 By John Seiler Looks like we might not know until late tonight whether poor smokers will be taxed into penury by Proposition 29, the $735 million tax increase for wealthy cancer “charities.”  As of 9 pm,

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Top Two not revolutionary — yet

June 5, 2012 By John Seiler We’ll have to see how the evening goes. But so far, the Top Two has not proved the revolutionary move to moderation that its backers hoped. In a key race in Orange County, early

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Liberal Wisconsin rebukes union power

June 5, 2012 By John Seiler Maybe it’s the cheese. Tonight Wisconsin, one of the country’s most liberal states, rebuked its powerful government-worker unions by keeping Republican Gov. Scott Walker in office. As of 8:29 pm California time, with 60

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CalWatchDog.com election coverage tonight…

June 5, 2012 By John Seiler Shortly after the polls close in Wisconsin at 6 pm Pacific Time CalWatchDog.com will be posting analysis on the Scott Walker recall, followed by even more commentary after the polls close at 8 pm in

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Leslie Daigle supports eminent domain robberies

June 1, 2012 By John Seiler In preparation for next week’s election crunch, I’ve been taking a couple of days off to get in shape with plenty of sleep and bourbon. But something just happened I must report on. At

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Did California budget deficit sink Wisconsin recall?

June 1, 2012 By Wayne Lusvardi New York Times journalist Frank Rich once wrote about the spectacle that surrounded the recall of former California Gov. Gray Davis in 2003: “Eastern snobs who airily condescended to the spectacle as merely another

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