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Tag "Second Amendment"

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Gun sales continue statewide climb

California’s experience with gun control and gun sales has created an ironic situation with significant implications for policy: Tighter regulations have increased along with firearms purchases. The phenomenon cuts both for and against the prevailing party platforms on the political Left

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Tragedy could boost Newsom’s gun-control push

The slaughter of 14 people at a San Bernardino conference center Wednesday morning by two heavily armed Islamic extremists could provide a boost to Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s planned 2016 ballot initiative imposing stricter gun-control laws on California. Wednesday afternoon,

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SCOTUS sides with SF against NRA

Continuing its reticence to reach beyond a landmark decision seven years ago, the Supreme Court handed a victory to tight regulations on gun use in San Francisco. Twin ordinances “The court on Monday let stand court rulings in favor of a

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Gun groups urge Supreme Court to take up SF gun case

More than a dozen Second Amendment groups are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to take up a high-profile challenge to a San Francisco gun-control measure. Led by the Firearms Policy Coalition, gun groups say the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

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9th Circuit protects conceal-carry gun rights

What’s it with California politicians and their obsession with grabbing our guns? They are guarded by heavily armed state troopers, but want to deny the rest of us the right to defend ourselves against criminals. Across most of the rest

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CA gun dealers challenge handgun ad ban

Second Amendment advocates say California is infringing on their First Amendment rights. On Monday, four California gun dealers filed a federal lawsuit challenging a nearly century-old law that bans the display of handguns in store advertisements. Under state law, it’s perfectly

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Wins and losses in latest CA gun control battles

Gun control laws in the state of California have entered into a period of flux. Despite a reputation for exceptionally strict gun measures, the regulatory landscape has become a mixed bag. Advocates of tighter restrictions and advocates of looser ones have

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CA Democrats’ ritual: Passing doomed gun laws to media cheers

House Republicans face fire from many quarters for the dozens of times they have voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and the critics sometimes aren’t just the usual partisan soldiers. Plenty of editorial boards are incensed by this tactic. They say

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CA joins national gun standoff

It’s a gun standoff like in a Quentin Tarantino movie — barrels pointed but nothing resolved for now. That’s why gun law in California and the rest of America won’t be standardized anytime soon. This month, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to take

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Mexico loosens gun control

One reason Mexico is so violent is that it has really strict gun control. Common people cannot defend themselves from well-armed criminals. The criminals don’t follow the country’s gun laws because they’re already outlaws. The U.S. Consulate in Tijuana wrote:

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