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Tag "Steve Jobs"

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Silicon Valley’s vanishing middle class

When you read the biographies of Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and other early Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, one thing to note is their middle-class origins. Jobs’ father, Paul, was a mechanic and carpenter. Wozniak’s father was an engineer. They went to

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Happy 30th Birthday, Macintosh

The personal computer revolution took off like an ICBM with the introduction of Apple’s Macintosh 30 years ago today. Two days before, during the Super Bowl, Apple broadcast its “1984” commercial, still the most famous ad ever. At the time,

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CA's richest company sees smartphone future more clearly than critics

I am not an Apple cultist. I like the Silicon Valley icon, California's richest company, a great deal and agree that Steve Jobs is a transcendent historical figure. But I gave up on my iPhone 4 when I saw that Google's

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Apple right to avoid ridiculous taxes

May 22, 2013 By John Seiler Apple Inc. is the world’s most profitable and admired company. It’s also the world’s biggest tax dodger. Reported the Wall Street Journal of a U.S. Senate grilling of CEO Tim Cook, “The Senate panel,

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UC, CSU profs don’t grasp threat they face from online ed

Jan. 16, 2013 By Chris Reed Will 2013 be the year that unionized faculty members at UC, CSU and the state’s community colleges finally figure out the threat that online education poses to their futures? If it is not this

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Silicon Valley is Star City

May 17, 2012 By John Seiler Why do young nerds angling to be the next Steve Jobs still flock to Silicon Valley? That’s where Mark Zuckerberg transplanted Facebook, which he started in his Harvard dorm room. Facebook’s IPO this week

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Why Not Skip College?

John Seiler: Katy Grimes reported here at on the protests against cuts in aid to college students. That means higher tuition — “fees” — to attend state colleges and universities. Here’s an idea for how kids can cut the

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Brown Wrong on Factory Job Loss Rate

FEB. 2, 2012 By WAYNE LUSVARDI California Gov. Jerry Brown may have met his moment of infamy on a Feb 1 TV show.  He said, “California is losing manufacturing jobs at a rate no faster than the rest of the

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Apple Cracking Textbook Racket

John Seiler: The biggest ripoff going is textbooks for K-12 and, even worse, college. I know some college kids who spend way more than $1,000 a year for required textbooks for their college classes. Usually the texts are sub-par regurgitations

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