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Revving Up Higher Property Taxes

MARCH 20, 2012 By KATY GRIMES Every year the Legislature attempts to rewrite Proposition 13, the 1978 ballot initiative that successfully returned property value assessments to 1975 levels, limited property taxes to 1 percent of assessed valuation and capped annual property

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Girl Scout Oath Makes Some Bristle

Katy Grimes: On the 100th Anniversary of the Girl Scouts, the California Legislature honored the organization with a resolution today, by Assemblyman Bob Wieckowski, D-Fremont. The resolution notes “the Girl Scouts’ century-long commitment to building girls of courage, confidence and character who make

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CA Is The Worst Run State!

Katy Grimes: California might have to-die-for weather, but everything else is the Pits. A recent study was done to find the best and worst run states…and the winner is… Wyoming! The loser is… California. For the second year, 24/7 Wall

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Freeze! Drop The Lunch Box!

Katy Grimes: Last week, a 4-year old had her homemade lunch confiscated by a “state inspector.”  At a North Carolina elementary school the inspector told the little girl that the lunch her mother prepared for her, consisting of a turkey and cheese sandwich,

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Occupy Squatters Don’t Know Squat

Katy Grimes: Four days ago, more than 300 Occupy protestors were arrested after breaking into Oakland’s City Hall. Demonstrators burned a U.S. flag, threw rocks and bottles at police, and tore down fencing at the convention center, and then tried

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Dems Vote to Slash School Funding

FEB. 1, 2012 By KATY GRIMES Anyone involved in state politics would concede that it would be a cold day in hell when Democratic legislators vote to cut school funding, especially to schools in their own districts. But that it

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Gov.’s Groundhog Day In California

JAN. 7, 2011 It felt like “Groundhog Day” on Thursday during Gov. Jerry Brown’s budget proposal press conference. I had a flashback to January 2011. Listening to him make the same claims about the budget that he made all year

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School Food Statism Makes Kids Sick

JULY 18, 2011 With many public schools now feeding children breakfast and lunch, and even forbidding parents to send homemade lunches to school for their children, it is obvious that the state has decided that it is a better parent.

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Gays Make History In California

Katy Grimes: Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown signed a strange new bill into law yesterday requiring public schools in California to teach students about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans, beginning January 1, 2011. California public school textbooks will be required

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Banning Junk Food At The State

Katy Grimes: Another ridiculous bill is traveling through the Legislature which would kill more small businesses in California because Big Brother wants you to lose weight. AB 727 authored by Assemblywoman Holly Mitchell, D-Los Angeles, would require 50 percent of the

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