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Jerry Brown pulls a Nixon

May 10, 2012 By Chriss Street “Only Nixon could go to China” is a political metaphor referring to the ability of a politician with an unassailable reputation among his supporters for staunchly representing and defending their values, to take actions

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Great news: fewer kids going to California universities

May 10, 2012 By John Seiler Youngsters finally are figuring out that going $100,000 in debt to get a degree in poststructural-prepostmodern-quasistructuralist-semiFoucaulist-political-correctness with no chance of a job isn’t exactly the best way to start out in life. A new

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Delta cost-benefit study politicized

May 10, 2012 By: Wayne Lusvardi Noted environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg recently said that cost-benefit studies could be used to evaluate big public works projects having environmental impacts in an age of austerity.  But California legislators propose to turn an unneeded

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Lugar loses, Tea Party wins

Commentary May 9, 2012 By John Seiler Back during the People Power Revolution in the Philippines in 1986, which kicked dictator Ferdinand Marcos out of power, one U.S. Senator who played a role by flying to the country was Richard

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Shenanigans with Capitol press access

May 9, 2012 By Katy Grimes I’ve written several times about the ridiculous hassles I’ve had with the many press credential hold-ups with the Assembly Speaker’s press office. Today I inquired with Assembly Speaker John Perez’s press office about approval for a

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Despicable politics against Boy Scouts

May 8, 2012 By Katy Grimes The Boy Scouts of America are under attack again, and this time, at the state Capitol. The Boy Scouts have been under attack for many years by homosexual special interest groups–apparently being a volunteer “boy”

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Minor traffic violations hit ‘little people’

May 9, 2012 By John Seiler Minor traffic fines are a part of life. They’re supposed to warn us not to do something again: park by a fire hydrant, park where the curb is the wrong color, park with an

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Legislature works to limit free speech of corporations

May 9, 2012 By Katy Grimes The U.S. Constitution is under attack again. At issue is the controversial Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission U.S. Supreme Court decision. It basically allowed unlimited corporate contributions to political campaigns. Two Assembly Democrats authored Assembly

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Killing off business for college students

May 8, 2012 By Katy Grimes The widening chasm of political philosophy was on display Monday in the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee, as one side argued for higher taxes on businesses, and the other pushed to continue with the

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Politics has gone to the dogs

May 4, 2012 By Katy Grimes My neighbor likes to tell me that her dog has a higher intellect than my dog. And it’s not because my “Gus” is a police dog dropout. This neighbor, a socially challenged, liberal scientist,

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