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AG Kamala Harris attacks joke coffee cup

Prescription coffee cupJuly 11, 2013

By John Seiler

Look at the coffee cup in the nearby picture. It’s a joke, right?

Not to California Attorney General Kamala Harris. She’s one of 23 state attorneys general who wrote a letter (reproduced below) to Urban Outfitters Inc. in Philadelphia…

“requesting Urban Outfitters immediately cease sales of your ‘Prescription Line’ of glasses, coasters, mugs, drink holders and related products that mimic prescription pill bottles and prescription pads.”

That’s right. They don’t get the joke.

“As you may be aware, there is a national health crisis related to the abuse and diversion of prescription drugs. As Attorneys General, we have prosecuted and engaged in outreach to stop this epidemic.”

But jokes aren’t diversions!

“These products are not in any way fun or humorous but make light of this rampant problem.”

See what I mean? Harris and the other AGs are humorless. Yet she is the odds-on favorite to succeed Gov. Jerry Brown, whenever that is. And as California governor, she immediately would be considered presidential material.

So we could have a president in the White House who can’t get the humor in a joke coffee cup.

Unfortunately, Urban Outfitters caved in to the humorless assault by the 22 AGs and has discontinued the “Prescription Line.”

This is another indication that state AGs have too much power to attack our liberties. And that’s no joke.

State attorneys general 1state attorneys general 2state attorneys general 3

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