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Tag "Democrats"

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Hillary Clinton moves to consolidate support of CA Dems

Sensing an opportunity to shore up her base and fuel a resurgence, Hillary Clinton’s campaign has moved swiftly to consolidate support and spur new enthusiasm among friends and allies in California. Return visits An early November sweep through the Bay Area

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Brown may seek new tax increases on 2016 ballot

California lawmakers have left Gov. Jerry Brown in the lurch. That was Brown’s judgment of the Legislature’s performance, which has left his administration with substantial unfinished business heading into the election year. The consequence may be a fresh round of

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CA Dems pressure Brown on spending

New budget deadline, same budget battle. That could be the watchword for Sacramento this week, as leading Democrats in the Assembly and the Senate labored on a spending plan that could survive the governor’s scrutiny. Equipped with a line-item veto, which allows

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Dem lawmaker breaks with party over teacher tenure

Assemblywoman Shirley Weber, D-San Diego, is a former San Diego school board president and a longtime San Diego State professor. In an April 24 op-ed, she called for tenure reform — breaking with Democrats in the Legislature who have long

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New poll reveals Californians’ low approval of Congress

A new Field Poll shows Californians have maintained their recent disdain for the U.S. Congress. During 2000-2003, approval was as high as 50 percent. Today it’s just 18 percent. That’s actually up a little, from the 10 percent to 13 percent

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Skelton sees Dem vs. Dem

One of the themes at the past several years has been that, with Republicans still moribund in California, Democrats will turn on one another. One story from last October was, “Democrats divided on big issues in CA.” George Skelton,

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CA Dems also splitting on social-services spending

As noted in a previous blog, “CA Dem vs CA Dem on taxes,” California’s virtual one-party state is developing fissures. One is over taxes. Another is over spending on social programs. New Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de Leon, D-Los

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CA Dem vs. CA Dem on taxes

One-party systems are inherently unstable. People inevitably choose sides. And budget realities always limit what government can do, bringing conflict. So it’s not surprising Democrats in California, who dominate the minority Republicans despite some GOP gains last November, are fighting

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Pelosi pressed for change by Hill Dems

After a punishing election season, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has begun to face an unusual kind of opposition within her own party. By traditional measures, her status remains high and her position secure. Yet she has attracted frustration

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Democrats divided on big issues in CA

Although Democrats in California are eager to celebrate major victories next Tuesday, political fault lines lie under their party. From anti-rape legislation, to education reform, to health costs and beyond, an anticipated left-leaning consensus has failed to materialize in the

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