Tag "John Seiler"

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A voting lottery?

Los Angeles is considering turning voting into a lottery. Last year’s mayoral election saw a turnout of just 25 percent. The idea is to hold out the potential of winning a cash prize for showing up to do one’s civic

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Chart shows warning on economy, CA budget

Since the 9/11 attack almost 13 years ago, the Federal Reserve Board has been inflating the dollar. Everybody has noticed the increases in food, gas and other prices. That’s why the supposed “records” set by the stock market are suspect.

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Poll: CA likes insurance price controls, Covered CA

A new Field Poll shows strong support for Proposition 45, which will give the state insurance commissioner, Davy Jones, even stronger powers to regulate health insurance. The race is just heating up. And insurance companies are running ads against it.

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SoCal job growth slows

“California’s back!” is Gov. Jerry Brown’s re-election slogan. Certainly, in some areas, such as Silicon Valley, where the Great Recession hardly hurt. But in much of the rest of the state, stagnation still is the order of the day. That’s

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Study: CA cost of doing business high

Yet another study shows that the cost of doing business in California is much higher than in other states. This one is by Andrew Chang & Company for the California Chamber of Commerce. They provide some useful graphs. 1. “California

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Dreamers leaving CA

The New York Times ran a fascinating graphic showing how California, while still a major destination of those from foreign lands, no longer is the land of opportunity for people from other U.S. states. The Times: California, shown above, has long been the

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Tesla could get enviro exemption

California is known for egalitarianism and extreme environmental laws. But some animals are more equal than others. The Times reported: The state would exempt Tesla Motors Inc. from some of its toughest environmental regulations as part of an incentive package being

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LAUSD system does not compute

You’d think a state that’s still by far the center of the global computer industry could produce government computer systems that work right. They don’t. From the Daily News: Ditching Los Angeles Unified’s new computer system, school counselors in the

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Water bond deal reached

Writing Wednesday afternoon, a deal just was reached among Gov. Jerry Brown and Democratic and Republican leaders in the Legislature on a water bond for the November ballot, costing $7.5 billion. It would replace Proposition 43, the $11.1 billion bond currently in place. The

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CA middle-class jobs shrinking

Life is good in California for the rich, who enjoy the most beautiful place on earth. And for the poor, who enjoy the country’s best welfare benefits. Not so much for the middle class. The Times reported: On the surface,

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