Tag "John Seiler"

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Tax index: CA by far most taxed state

The Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council just came out with its annual report, “Small Business Tax Index 2014.” California ranked 50th of the states — dead last, worst, highest taxed, most overtaxed, extremest preposterously taxed. Here are the six states with

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How do you like your higher electricity bill?

On CalWatchDog.com, for four years Wayne Lusvardi has been detailing in hundreds of articles the effective dismantling of California’s and America’s old electricity system — nuclear, coal and now even gas; and its replacement with “renewable” sources — wind, solar

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Who’s to blame?

I was listening to Rush Limbaugh this morning. He was blaming voters for installing President Obama in the Oval Office. But he missed a step. Shouldn’t we first be blaming himself and other Republicans for nominating such duds as the

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Map: Still the Anaheim Angels of Anaheim

Back in 1996, I remember writing editorials in the Orange County Register against Disney grabbing $30 million from Anaheim taxpayers to renovate Angels Stadium. The city council, which Disney basically owned, approved the subsidy. But Disney agreed in the contract to

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Chart shows stock-market not at new highs

With the stock market soaring again, it seems that happy days are here again for the economy. Except a new Chart of the Day shows that the Dow Jones Industrial Average, when charted against the price of gold — the

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Supreme Court effectively upholds CA affirmative-action ban

Today the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Michigan’s ban on affirmative action. Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote: “There is no authority in the federal constitution or in the [courts’] precedents for the judiciary to set aside Michigan laws that commit to the

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Al Gore: Global warm doubters ‘immoral, unethical and skeptical’

Whenever you read about Al Gore, keep in mind that he frolics in a compound in Montecito valued in 2010 at $8.875 million. Now it’s probably worth at least $12 million. Reported the Huffington Post at the time: “Records show

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Appeals court backs bloggers’ First Amendment rights

The First Amendment protects, among other things, “the freedom of speech, or of the press.” Yet modern governments, less solicitous of our liberties than the Founding Fathers, keep trying to curtail those  rights. The latest gimmick is to insist that

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86 million private-sector workers support 148 million benefit takers

U.S. Census numbers tell why America’s economy is sluggish and likely headed downward again: There are just 86 million full-time private-sector workers supporting 148 million benefit-takers. So if you’re a full-time worker in the private sector, such as yours truly,

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CA going Third World

It took California more than a century to rid itself of Aedes aegypti, the mosquito that spreads yellow fever, by the 1970s. It has taken less than 40 years for it to make a comeback, a clear sign that California quickly

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