Tag "John Seiler"

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Working on rejected emails problem

We’re still working out the kinks on our great new site. Some of our commentators have having their messages blocked. Please bear with us. And if the problem persists, email me at: [email protected] Thank you, John Seiler, Managing Editor

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‘Broken City’ = broken movie

Guess who’s the movie villain: A. The two-term New York City mayor running for re-election; whose wife is played by the shockingly beautiful Catherine Zeta-Jones; who cut taxes and now is trying to tear down a slum to build office

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Chart shows how weak recovery is

The DOW stock index supposedly shows we’re enjoying a strong recovery. It recently set records, although it’s off a bit today. Not really. Thanks to Chart of the Day, here’s the history of the DOW adjusted for inflation:    

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Investigating the CA Delta

Before attending an event for the Pacific Research Institute, CalWatchdog.com’s parent think tank, earlier this month I drove around two areas of California I had not been to: the Delta and Silicon Valley. California is such a vast state that

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PUC seems to OK ride-sharing

There’s a good chance they’ll mess it up in the end. But the Public Utilities Commission so far seems to be OK’ing the new ride-sharing systems that are based on cell phones. The Chronicle wrote: “The new wave of online-enabled

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Phony ‘recovery’: Home ownership at 18-year low

More proof there has been no “recovery”: “The U.S. homeownership rate, which soared to a record high 69.2 percent in 2004, is back where it was two decades ago, before the housing bubble inflated, busted and ripped more than 7

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Still working on spam problem

If you wrote a Comment and it didn’t make it, please post it again. We’re still dealing with a massive Spam problem on our new Web site. Some good comments may have gotten deleted. Of course, abusive Comments still will

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Fissures ripping apart CA Dem ranks

Monopoly parties appear monolithic. They seem to control everything. But underneath, they’re split by fissures. Such is the Democratic Party in California. It controls every statewide office. It enjoys supermajorities in both houses of the Legislature. Last November, it passed

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Editor’s Note on Comments & Spam

We’re still adjusting to our new site. If you put up a Comment and it hasn’t shown up within 24 hours, please put it up again. It might have gotten lost in the transition, accidentally deleted as Spam. Of course,

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LAUSD’s iPad gimmick

Back in 1972-73, my senior year, I took a humanities class from a great teacher at Wayne Memorial High School, my public school in Wayne, Mich. An Italian immigrant whose family had suffered under Mussolini’s fascists, he instilled in me

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