Tag "John Seiler"

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Video: SNL’s new Obama character displays vapid campaign

Sept. 17, 2012 By John Seiler This year’s presidential campaign should be exciting. Instead, it’s the most vapid I’ve seen since I started watching them in 1964. President Obama, understandably, is playing it safe because he’s ahead. But why is

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Chicago solves student-violence problem

Sept. 17, 2012 By John Seiler Leave it to The Onion to point out something interesting. For the past week, the Chicago schools system has solved its endemic school-violence problem: CHICAGO—Jubilant Chicago Public Schools officials announced Friday that, for five

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Video: Honey, you didn’t build that!

Sept. 16, 2012 By John Seiler Your owe your whole life and everything you have done to the government. You’re just a cog in a giant machine. Never forget that. You might as well just quit working and go on

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Best short explanation of Obamacare

Sept. 15, 2012 By John Seiler I’ve discovered the best short description yet of Obamacare. It comes in a slam against Mitt Romney by Joe Klein in Time magazine. Klein is a big backer of Obamacare, and of tyrannical central

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Buy now: Amazon sales tax hits Saturday

Sept. 13, 2012 By John Seiler If you live in California and have been thinking of buying anything on Amazon.com, do so today or Friday. On Saturday, Sept. 15, the state imposes its sales tax — 8 percent or so

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I resent Gov. Jerry Brown’s fat insults

Sept. 12, 2012 By John Seiler To quote the late, great comedian Chris Farley, “I have what doctors call a little bit of a weight problem.” But with one exception, I don’t mind fat jokes. After all, my favorite comedians

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California Budget Project analysis of Prop. 30 slights slam to business, jobs

Sept. 12, 2012 By John Seiler Sometimes the left-leaning California Budget Project produces worthy studies. Its new analysis of Proposition 30 isn’t one of them. Being pushed by Gov. Jerry Brown and the state’s powerful government-worker unions, Prop. 30 would

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Republicans cringe before Jerry Brown

Sept. 11, 2012 By John Seiler Governments today wield immense power over every aspect of our lives. That’s why threats by politicians should be taken seriously. Gov. Jerry Brown recently said he saw “fear in the eyes of Republicans when

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Jobs train 3:10 to Yuma

Sept. 10, 2012 By John Seiler Yesterday Katy Grimes put up a blog, “Editorial cheerleads for Brown.” One of the comments read: “I already did move to Arizona (Yuma) to escape CA’s taxes and high costs. Guess what, not only

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Calif. leads in state electoral competitiveness

Sept. 10, 2012 By John Seiler California leads the nation in one exemplary category. According to Ballotpedia, the best online resource for information on elections, the state has the most competitive elections: “The Ballotpedia state legislative competitive index looks at

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