Tag "Steven Greenhut"

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S. Court splits on defending civil liberties

Feb. 24, 2013 By Steven Greenhut SACRAMENTO — The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decisions regarding police powers were mixed, thus offering a reminder to civil libertarians that they cannot depend upon the high court to protect the public from unwarranted

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Dorner manhunt raises policing issues

Feb. 17, 2013 By Steven Greenhut SACRAMENTO — Police typically say that their paramount mission is to protect public safety. But the recently concluded manhunt for former Los Angeles Police Department officer Christopher Dorner, accused of murdering four people after

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Where are the ‘moderate’ Democrats?

Feb. 15, 2013 By John Seiler Now is the time for moderate Democrats to step forward. Controlling every statewide office and with supermajorities in both houses of the California Legislature, Dems rule the roost. But unchecked power devours itself. Steven

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Democrats now see downside of CEQA

Feb. 11, 2013 By Steven Greenhut SACRAMENTO — Although many of California’s legislative Democrats are eager to “test drive” the new two-thirds majorities their caucuses hold in the Assembly and Senate — i.e., pushing the limits of their power to

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Is CA really barreling down recovery road?

Feb. 9, 2013 By Wayne Lusvardi Former New York Times journalist Froma Harrop wrote on Real Clear Politics that it’s “tough times for California bashers” because of the recent turnaround of the state. Harrop argued that those who have bashed California

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California a model for other states?

Feb. 3, 2013 By Steven Greenhut SACRAMENTO — California’s modern-day progressive Democrats keep crowing about the huge success they’ve had in taming the state’s budget deficit, thanks to Proposition 30‘s tax increases and other “reforms,” and now are championing the

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Affluence police tee off on Mickelson

Jan. 28, 2013 By Steven Greenhut SACRAMENTO — After hearing the criticism directed toward golfer Phil Mickelson for his modest comments about California’s highest-in-the-nation tax rates giving him cause to consider relocating, I was left wondering: What country do we

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Sucking up gets you nowhere

Jan. 24, 2012 By Steven Greenhut The following statement, which came from a press release, earns my vote for Shameless Suck Up of the Week: “ACEC California applauds Governor Brown for his tireless efforts to balance the state budget.  We

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Brown’s budget is a boon to state’s unions

Jan. 20, 2013 By Steven Greenhut SACRAMENTO — Gov. Jerry Brown continues to pose as an iconoclast who is willing to make the tough choices necessary to keep California  afloat, but the budget he released recently is more evidence that he remains

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More CA laws choke us

Jan. 6, 2013 By Steven Greenhut This year’s Rose Parade in Pasadena, California featured the Department of Defense’s “Freedom Isn’t Free” float. While nothing is close to free when DOD is involved—the B-2 bomber that made a fly-by as parade-goers

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