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Now Bill Lockyer thinks tax cuts create jobs

When opponents of Proposition 30 said it would kill jobs, Treasurer Bill Lockyer backed it anyway: “I worry a little bit about fairness, although when you look at the income distributions in the last 20 years and see that essentially

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Gov. Jerry Brown forcing electric car market in CA

Gov. Jerry Brown must be in the market for a Chevy Volt, Nissan Leaf or Tesla electric car. There could be no other explanation for why he signed six bills this week to force a market for electric cars that

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Bullet train folly inspires sci-fi-esque breakthrough?

The lead story on Drudge for part of the weekend was about SpaceX and Telsa inventor-guru-visionary Elon Musk championing Hyperloop, a new type of travel system that he claims could move people faster than the speed of sound. That may

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Vehicle-fee extension would funnel taxes of less affluent to the rich

July 8, 2013 By Dave Roberts Assembly Democrats, many of whom see themselves as champions of the downtrodden, instead became reverse Robin Hoods recently, robbing from the poor and middle class to give to the rich. Nearly every Democrat along

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Tesla just a tax-funded government project

May 26, 2013 By John Seiler I’ve seen a couple of Tesla cars tooling around Orange County. They’re neat, as we said in the 1960s. And they’re made in California. They also survived where other electric car companies, such as

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