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California tops ‘worst run cities’ list

Jan. 17, 2013

By Katy Grimes


Surprise! Sacramento is on another list of ‘worst run cities’ in the nation.

The website ranked the best and worst run cities in the U.S.

Ranked number 18, Sacramento is sandwiched between Reno and Chicago.

Sacramento’s population is 472,169, has a credit rating of Aa2, which is under review for downgrade, high violent crime per 1,000 people at 7.11 (38th highest), and a high unemployment rate of 14.1 percent (tied- 9th highest).

The rankings were based on population, city’s credit rating, violent crime rates and unemployment.

But that’s not all folks… there are more ‘worst run cities’ in California.

Santa Ana made the list at number 15, with high unemployment at 13.7 percent.

Riverside is number 12, also with a 13.7 percent unemployment rate.

Fresno is number 7, with a credit rating of Baa2, under review for downgrade, and a high unemployment rate of 15.6 percent.

Modesto is number 6 with a 14.6 percent unemployment rate and still suffering under one of the highest home foreclosure markets in the country.

Stockton is number 3 after filing for bankruptcy. It has a credit rating of Caa3, (negative outlook), the 8th highest violent crime rate, and the highest unemployment rate of 20.2 percent.

And San Bernardino made the number 1 position, “where the median home value declined by 57.6% between 2007 and 2011, more than any other large city in the U.S.” The unemployment rate is the third highest, at 17.6 percent.

Seven cities on the national ‘worst run cities‘ list does not bode well for California.

Read the report here. And weep.

Best run cities

The good news is that San Francisco (gasp) made the ‘best run cities‘ list, coming in at number 11, with a balanced budget despite the state’s chronic budget issues.

Fremont is ranked at number 5, with a highly educated population, highest median income of all of the cities, and a large manufacturing base.

Irvine is ranked number 3, with the lowest violent crime, and the most educated population.

Even in California, some city leaders understand the importance of economics.

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