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Tag "California budget"

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State senator wants to give CA homeless a ‘right to shelter’

Democratic lawmakers are already gearing up for brawls with Gov.-elect Gavin Newsom over costly efforts to expand state government with a single-payer health care system and a bold new push for subsidized pre-kindergarten education. Now, another ambitious bill with a

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CA Budget: New spending dwarfed by billions set aside in reserves

When the annual California budget debate began in earnest with Gov. Jerry Brown’s release of a proposed 2018-19 fiscal plan in January, progressives were ready to go with a long list of new spending proposals. Many hoped to both expand

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Gov. Brown’s budget sets spending records, but warns of recession

SACRAMENTO – Gov. Jerry Brown’s annual budgets have become familiar affairs. During his last two terms in office, Brown routinely offered a budget plan that broke spending records, but also was designed to limit the creation of new programs while

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Is California budget as ‘balanced and progressive’ as Gov. Brown suggests?

SACRAMENTO – The California Assembly and Senate have until Thursday to approve the budget deal announced by Gov. Jerry Brown last week, but there’s little uncertainty about the outcome. The general-fund budget is a record-setting $125 billion – something Brown

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Will Democrats in Legislature pressure Gov. Brown to increase state spending?

Will progressive lawmakers challenge Gov. Jerry Brown over his decision to dash their big dreams for the 2017-18 fiscal year? Or will they acquiesce as they mostly have in recent months of May after Brown released revised budgets without money for

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CalWatchdog Morning Read – January 11

Brown budget projects deficit CA Democrats spent $90 million on intra-party campaigns in 2016 San Diego settles public comment lawsuit Donations from developers may be banned in L.A. Zuckerberg brings in bipartisan political bigwigs Good morning. Happy Hump Day! One

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Brown budget projects $2 billion deficit, calls for more savings

Gov. Jerry Brown preached prudence on Tuesday as he unveiled his 2017-18 state budget, proposing no new major spending programs while taking a wait-and-see approach to the incoming Trump administration, even as other prominent California Democrats brace for the unknown.

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Brown: State of the State is fiscal restraint

With a cautiously optimistic tone, Gov. Jerry Brown preached prudence on Thursday morning during his annual State of the State address. The speech — courteous in its brevity, clocking in at under 20 minutes — touted accomplishments and initiatives, like

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Legislature passes record $117 billion budget

On Monday, the California Legislature passed a $117 billion state budget on a 52-28 vote, meeting the June 15 deadline to send the bill to Governor Jerry Brown. The Legislature’s version of the budget allocates $117 billion in expenditures and

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CA budget deal reached, legislators to vote Monday

On Thursday, the California Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review released an overview of the budget adopted by the Conference Committee on June 9. The Conference Committee is composed of both Senate and Assembly members, tasked with negotiating multiple

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