Tag "John Seiler"

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‘No party preference’ gains again

California Democrats are enjoying the decline of the Republican Party. But they shouldn’t party hearty too quickly. Because their party also is not finding satisfaction with voters. Secretary of State Debra Bowen reported: Updated voter registration numbers released by Secretary

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‘Climate change’ summit and AB 32

California remains the only state with anything approaching AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. It forces reductions in greenhouse gases in the state by 25 percent by 2020. AB 32’s actual language read: National and international actions

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Minimum wage kills minimum-wage jobs

As I noted six weeks ago, I’ve been noticing higher restaurant prices since California boosted its minimum wage on July 1, to $9 from $8 an hour; with a $10 increase coming in 2016. A new study by the Heritage

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Separatism loses in SCT, CA

Coming shortly after entrepreneur Tim Draper’s Six Californias initiative failed to qualify for the 2016 ballot, Scotland’s voters decided not to secede from the United Kingdom — yet. So it would seem separatist movements are not doing well. But pushing

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Garcetti shows why minimum wage kills jobs

In backing a higher minimum wage for his city, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti inadvertently explained how it would kill jobs. From the Times: “Garcetti pitched his plan to gradually boost the minimum wage across the city, critics argued that

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Poll: Weak support for Prop. 46, medical malpractice

I usually don’t watch local TV news, which is about Los Angeles 45 miles away from Huntington Beach. But I watched NBC channel 4 yesterday night as a lead-in to Barbra Streisand on Jimmy Fallon’s show. Babs still is fabulous!

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Support for death penalty drops

A new Field Poll shows support for the death penalty dropping to its lowest level in 50 years. The Times reported: After a series of botched executions raised questions about the use of capital punishment across the United States, support for the

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DMV crashes due process

One of the most crucial elements in the development of liberty was that every man deserves his day in court. As described by Harvard professor Harold J. Berman in his crucial “Law and Revolution: The Formation of the Western Legal Tradition,”

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Controller: No CalPERS controls on pension spiking

With the state facing $500 billion in unfunded pension liabilities, you might think the state’s pension funds would do everything they could to make sure the liabilities would not go even higher. To quote the late John Belushi, But nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

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China surpassing USA economy

Business Insider ran a map provided by Deutsche Bank about the rise and fall of some of the world’s largest economies, showing China’s return to global preeminence. This is crucial because we’re on the Pacific Rim and enjoy vast trade.

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