Tag "John Seiler"

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Chart shows Brown budget follows Gann Limit

Gov. Jerry Brown and Democratic legislators are congratulating themselves on passing a budget by the June 15 deadline and keeping a lid on spending. They insist they’re avoiding the excess spending that got the state into trouble when past recessions

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Fewer statewide offices would help

How embarrassing. State Sen. Leland Yee, D-Sacramento, came in third in the race for controller, with almost 300,000 votes, even though earlier this year he was indicted on federal corruption charges and dropped out of the race. In the L.A.

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Can Kashkari win?

No question Neel Kashkari has a tough road ahead in his battle to defeat Gov. Jerry Brown in the November gubernatorial election. Brown is running what I have called his “Morning in California” campaign. It emphasize how he ended the

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Aftermath: Kashkari faces tough battle with Brown

Now is the hard part for Neel Kashkari: Facing the formidable Gov. Jerry Brown. The Republican Kashkari finished second in yesterday’s Top Two primary, at 19 percent, well behind Brown’s 55 percent. The first problem is that Brown currently is highly

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Where’s Arnold in the governor’s race?

Where’s ex-Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in the primary election races decided today? By far the most successful GOP candidate in California in the last 15 years, he is nowhere to be seen in this important election. He has endorsed nobody for

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Issa blasted Kashkari, now backs him

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., just robo-called me backing Neel Kashkari for governor as, “The only candidate with proven leadership in this time of crisis.” He only could mean Kashkari leading the $700 billion Troubled Assets Relief Program during the 2008-09 finanical crisis,

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Kashkari is the GOP establishment’s choice

I just got another flyer from Neil Kashkari, the fourth so far. See the images below. It’s similar to the first flyer, which I wrote about earlier. Flyers from Tim Donnelly: None so far. I’m not a fan of either. I can’t figure out

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President Jerry Brown?

I think there’s a high chance Gov. Jerry Brown will run for president in 2016. He tried three times already, so you know he has “fire in the belly.” After November, he likely will be coming off an unprecedented election

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People leaving CA a ‘success’ story?

Joe Mathews presents the counter-intuitive thesis that people leaving California for Texas is a sign of Golden State “success”: Yes, California has an above-average unemployment rate and other economic problems, and many of our people and companies are relocating or expanding

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CA: Golden State to welfare state

Reader Manfred von Borks, Sc.D., sent us his analysis of what happened to California: California – The transition from a Golden State to a Warehouse/Welfare State:  In the beginning there was real gold in the ground and the people came, then

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