Tag "John Seiler"

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Canada scandal shows how Obamacare would work

July 5, 2012 By John Seiler Even before last week’s Supreme Court ruling mostly green-lighting Obamacare, California was in the forefront of implementing the centralized medicine scheme. In particular, it has been advancing the California Health Benefits Exchange, which would

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Video: Rep. Loretta Sanchez dances for you

July 3, 2012 By John Seiler For your Independence Day delectation… The voluble Rep. Loretta Sanchez, D-Santa Ana, dances in her desk chair and wishes you a happy Fourth of July. You, go, girl! h/t to Jack Pitney, who has

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San Bernardino County eminent domain mortgage ripoff

June 29, 2012 By John Seiler Our colleague Steven Greenhut has a column up on Bloomberg on as scam in San Bernardino County: “Officials in San Bernardino County, California, believe they have figured out a clever way to solve the county’s, and possibly

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Supreme Soviet upholds Obamacare dicatates

June 28, 2012 By John Seiler This just in: The Supreme Soviet just upheld the Obamacare socialized medicine scheme. The controversial “mandate” will just be relabeled a “tax.” The majority opinion was written by “conservative” Chief Justice John Roberts. So

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Skelton misleads on car tax

June 28, 2012 By John Seiler Los Angeles Times columnist George Skelton recently was feted by liberal journos and others for reporting on California for 50 years. Actually, usually he’s been just a rubber stamp for the centralized tyranny known

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New California theme song

June 25, 2012 By John Seiler In a column, George Will waxes nostalgic about the Golden State of the 1960s, whose theme song was the Beach Boys’ “Good Vibrations.” We’re long past that and need a new theme song for

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Legislators still being paid for fake budget

June 25, 2012 By John Seiler If the California government followed its own laws, right now state legislators’ pay would be suspended. They would be applying for EBT cards. According to Prop. 25, which voters passed in 2010, the Legislature must

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The Establishment killed cig tax Prop. 29

June 25, 2012 By John Seiler The backers of the Proposition 29 cigarette tax increase finally snubbed out the butt of their vigil over the June 5 vote. It lost by just 28,000 votes. Proponents blamed the $47 million spent

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NBA Championship goes to no-income-tax Florida

June 22, 2012 By John Seiler Hail the tax-free champions! Yesterday LeBron James won the NBA championship for the Miami Heat. Back when James jumped from the Cleveland Cavaliers to the Miami Heat a couple of years ago, one reason

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