Tag "Katy Grimes"

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Legislature’s hit-and-run attack on car dealers

April 25, 2012 By Katy Grimes SACRAMENTO — Maybe the California Legislature should just take over state car dealers the way the Obama administration took over General Motors and Chrysler. That might be better than the Democratic-controlled Legislature driving over the

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Proposition 29: Why should voters care?

April 25, 2012 by Katy Grimes There are examples of waste, fraud and abuse in nearly every corner of government.  With the election season upon us, voters need to pay special attention to what is on the ballot. California’s ballot

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Sacto can recover from bad arena deal

April 24, 2012 By Katy Grimes Just last week, the news that the arena deal in Sacramento was dead was all the rage. The Maloof family, owners of the NBA Sacramento Kings, backed out of a handshake deal with the

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High-speed special interest halts bill

April 24, 2012 By Katy Grimes The Legislature appears to have killed one more attempt to reel in the out-of-control high-speed rail checkbook. But despite facts, numbers and alternatives to the nearly $100 billion project, Democratic lawmakers appeared to be

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Chino Hills in the news again

April 23, 2012 By Katy Grimes Following up the many stories I’ve done on the Southern California Edison Tehachapi Transmission Renewable Energy Project is a very important bill in the Utilities and Commerce committee today. AB 2235 by Assemblyman Curt

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‘Will work for shoes’

April 22, 2012 By Katy Grimes State employee discounts are getting ridiculous. Despite the fact that California state and local government employees are among the highest-paid in the country according the latest U.S. Census Bureau, they receive all kinds of crazy discounts. I

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Politicians are the one-percent

April 20, 2012 By Katy Grimes The Sacramento Bee is shilling today for “sustainable communities,” another way to describe global warming. “The Sacramento Area Council of Governments board on Thursday approved what’s called a “Sustainable Communities Strategy,” what the Bee refers to

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Government takeover of the sheeple

April 20, 2012 By Katy Grimes The unwavering fundamental of being American is individual freedom. Man is constitutionally free in America. And the only legitimate purpose of government is to preserve individual freedom. A government whose purpose has become coercive cannot

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Dem maneuver in Legislature could slam housing market

April 20, 2012 By Katy Grimes Democratic Leaders in the Legislature have figured out a clever way to bypass the legislative committee process, in order to ensure the results they want. This latest legislative trickery and rule manipulation created quite a

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Vaccine bill injects drama into Capitol hearing

April 18, 2012 By Katy Grimes Debate over a vaccine bill injected drama into a hearing of the Assembly Health Committee in the California Legislature Tuesday. Legislators ignored parental concerns. And the Capitol sergeants brutalized parents holding infants. What should have

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